Matt G.

My answer is a tie between two bands I got into in my teenage years. Beastie Boys & The Clash. RIP to both Joe Strummer and Adam Yauch. It hurts to never get to see them live.

What's the most creative way you've seen it explained away?

Or have Michael take off the mask.

It'd be really cool if the continuation took place in the 1970s as well instead of making it modern (and it'd probably be easier for horror as cellphones aren't an issue).

I had one of the worst hangovers of my life a few years back, that started at around 4AM. When I get that drunk I can't even get the luxury of passing out. THANKFULLY, my A New Hope blu-ray was in the player because I also couldn't get out of bed. I watched it from about 4-6. And then I proceeded to watch every

Ahhh "Get Off My Plane" is one of the best fuck you moments in cinema history, but let's not forget the MIG vs. F16 dogfight after that. My favorite moment of the movie? "Not so fast, you son of a bitch!"

New Girl quickly went from a show I thought had something going for it to another bland Fox rom-com, but the biggest nail in the coffin was the re-introduction of this sumbitch.

I mean the women had one of the best lines ever, and the men had nothing good.

Motion cap.

*slow clap*

The original 2G1C was 60 minutes?!?!?!??!?!?!?!?!?! I only saw the 90 seconds disgusting version….as opposed to the 60 minute disgusting version. Jesus.

Ha! I did! And I think people are a little foolish to assume this will be otherwise. I like the Star Treks, but I also am expecting the same thing here. "This is what you love. More of it."

In theory I don't mind Luke going evil, but that just sounds like a rehash of what we've already seen before. Though this movie looks to pull a Jurassic World move and just be an updated remake/sequel hybrid of the first film, designed to mine all the nostalgia, so we would need a fall from grace and then redemption

Redwall should be a Dreamworks animated series on Netflix.

I have not yet.

I know. I'm saying I can buy that in most movies, but this fact I can't.

It's amazing that the 'fact' that we only use 10% of our brains is still so widely accepted and not ridiculed. C'mooooooonnnnnnn already. I can buy silencers on guns not being silent (in the movies), but this 'fact' is total crap and I can't stretch my imagination enough for it.

That makes sense. The game goes out of it's way to show 2 things.
1. She is utterly deadly and capable.
2. She is an attractive woman.

Agreed. Why is he so quiet? This is my first MGS game and I was expecting Tolstoy amounts of dialogue, but Quiet has more to say than Kiefer at this point.

Really? I thought Kojima's name placement was subtle and tastefully done (he said with a massive side of SARCASM SAUCE)