
Not adapting. A few weeks after AV Club posted this, O'Malley posted on his website that Meyer is producing. Samantha Holcroft and Ali Muriel are the writers. So, there's that, though I still don't like the idea of her being involved in any way.

I just read that book two has been pushed back until June 2016. I think that's the 4th time the date's been changed. I've been ready for Stiletto ever since reading The Rook back in early 2012. Over four years later, and we'll finally get our sequel. Now I know how A Song of Fire and Ice readers feel.

She's not writing. She's producing. Not your fault though, AV Club must have received some bad info.

That was about as scary as our parents would let our entertainment get, and that's exactly why we loved it. Well, that and the songs.

I can think of two. My siblings and I watched Darby O'Gill and the Little People (with Sean Connery & Janet Monroe) and Clifford (with Martin Short & Charles Grodin) all the time, but no one ever knew what I was talking about when I'd bring either up at school.

I like him. I can't help it. The barrage of media hate he receives has yet to turn me against him. Maybe one day. Oh, and he is definitely channeling Matt Foley @ 9:00.

Dong's character is hilarious on Kimmy Schmidt, and he has the best line from the entire first season. Forgive me, Dong, if I muck this up, but it was something like 'delivering Chinese food all day is depressing, like when people yell out "food's here," as if they have a family, but I know they're alone.'