Quick Brown Dog

He used to host the Fourth of July fireworks special on the local Boston affiliate of CBS (which also aired on the national CBS). This only lasted a few years (after he got his citizenship) before either the network (WBZ-4) or maybe even the Pops/Esplanade officials canned him. Every time the show was over he'd say

34 years and counting. Wait, make that… 40? Selleck as the Magnum character first made an appearance in the original Hawaii Five-O alongside Jack Lord. Magnum is a spinoff of Five-O, actually. Still got the facial hair in the Jesse Stone movies and of course Blue Bloods. Pretty sure his epitaph will read "Here Lies

"You should really watch The Wire. It's only the greatest show since Breaking Bad." -Peter Griffin

Fallon's brand of humor is lame. It's mostly just forced memes and dumb cutaways to some random interaction with the band or the creepy announcer. Or Tweets. I hate tweets. Nobody uses tweets except 12-year-olds stalking Justin Bieber. I'll probably get burned at the stake for this, but Fallon isn't funny because the

Canadians get everything right. Flashpoint is/was seriously underrated.

Apparently a lot of people do still love Lucy, otherwise it wouldn't still be a timeless classic still in syndicated reruns six decades later.

He must be Irish. Happy hour happens 24 times a day. With one extra during Daylight Savings Time.

Is that the one with Shaq?

Anyone born after 1983 (myself included) could combine Harris' and Perkins' suggestions and seek out SCTV.

"Lloyd loves Diane, but she was just another ho…"

Oh, HEINOUS! That's your castle, man!

The old black lady at the home giving her tacit approval of the relationship. Cusack is 6'2" and was leaning over to say hello, but —

I guess he wasn't a full AAUGH strength!

…and he goes YEAAAAAAAH right in poor Joan's ear. XD

Anybody know what song that is?

Frasier's dad!

The "sold/bought/processed" speech basically sums up the majority of college students majoring in something totally unprofitable or avoiding college altogether. If Lloyd went to college he probably majored in communications or the perennially doomed liberal arts.

John Cusack is probably public enemy #1 in "feminist circles." Because he ALWAYS GETS THE GIRL = "teh patriarchy." And also because he's cute and it's not a good example of gender equality that the funny looking kid who puked in the bathroom doesn't end up with Diane. (And also because he's cute and, according to

"You… had… SEX. You're an inspiration, Lloyd!"

I guess he's not a full YEAAAAAH strength!