Thing about love is that it’s not education. This leads to, “I met some nice ____ but they’re not the ones _______.” Unlearning is active, affection is passive.
Thing about love is that it’s not education. This leads to, “I met some nice ____ but they’re not the ones _______.” Unlearning is active, affection is passive.
“bEaR wiTh mE i’M stiLL LeaRniNg”
“I refuse to teach, spread or be an advocate for hatred—I just want to make people laugh.”
She’s had way too many chances to act right and she’s never really shown that she’s down to self correct and be a better person. She’ll be back in the news in 3 months with some more bs.
Bear with me? What are we suppose to be patient about? Her learning not be a vile, disgusting racist or learning not to let her face get so shiny?
C) Jess is also black, so.... yeah, she shouldn’t have to “learn” about racism. She should maybe talk to a few relatives. Or just lift her damn head up and look around.
Why do people say “ don’t believe what you hear or see?” What the clip showed was her acting a fool about some men that were Sikh which has nothing to do with Islam and profiled them. I believed what I saw was her talking out of ignorance.
“Please don’t believe everything you see and hear, this is what it really is.”
You’re still learning racism is bad? Pssssh.
a) Jess is 27 years old. Sorry, but at this age you should already know that racism, xenophobia and parroting white supremacists talking points is not a good look.
Yea, sure, “fuck Candace Owens”, but do not underestimate the power of a black face espousing white supremacy & neo-nazi shit. The mass shooter’s claim that she helped radicalized him is based on Owens view that in countries like France, Muslims are gonna be the majority in 40 years because of the low white birth…
She doesn’t even deserve that much attention to her name. She should get the Trashy Lozenge treatment.
Excellent piece. I’m not a professional editor (although I did stay at a Holiday Inn Express once), but please allow me one piece of editorial advice:
O’Rourke said he would run a “positive campaign that seeks to bring out the very best from every single one of us, that seeks to unite a very divided country.”
uh... Stacey Abrams was Minority Leader of the Georgia House of Representatives. Beto was in congress for 6 years and served on the El Paso City Council for 6 years before that.
resulted in the involved officer being relieved of duty and of his role as a field training officer
Totally agree. I feel it the most with Beto’s shameless self-promotion campaign that somehow got this far.
“I find the actions depicted on the video deeply troubling and in no way reflective of our core values of integrity, respect, service and fairness,”
The money quote:
So he’s trying to be Jimmy Carter 2.0? Either way i’m not too big of a fan I would like a Democrat with a decent amount of foreign policy experience to rebuild our destroyed relationships with the rest of the world and he sure as shit ain’t it.