The real irony here is that dollars to donuts, many of the “people of faith” sitting in that room were descended from other “people of faith” (looking at you Southern Baptist Convention as an example) who were absolutely wedded to upholding slavery and the most virulent forms of jim crow. Some of the very “people of…
Dummy. At this point, we can elect an old telephone phone and I doubt it would be any worse.
Racists don’t make out with the race that they hate, especially in the way he does with his tongue—so deep down her throat. I don’t care how good of an actor you are. It’s all bullshit. Ignore it. He’s not a racist.
What a gross fucking thing to say.
Even Liam Neeson’s character is shown to actually have some pretty big issues around race!
Strom Thurmond. Her argument is invalid.
She is. Just look at the shite she pulled during the filming of lost. They killer her character because she was doing to much.
A whole lot of people love black genitalia and hate the people attached to them. It’s not tough.
Taken 4: Black Bastard Electric Boogaloo
His tongue was so far down Viola Davis’s throat. You can’t call him a racist ever. Racists don’t make out with the race that they hate
Why are white people so scared to be called a racist? Racism BUILT this country When you do racist shit, own it. Liam was ALMOST there, lol. And now Gina out here caping for this idiot. Slave masters raped their slaves repeatedly. Men included.
I just have this feeling that the next shoe to dro on her is a picture from her high school talent shown where she and her friends dressed up in black face as the supremes.
The biggest problem is that she keeps right on playing into the right-wing conspiracy theory. She has a whole section on her site to debunk right-wing bullshit, which does her literally no fucking good. The people who believe the conspiracies will just think she’s hiding it, the people who don’t wonder what’s the…
BREAKING: Elizabeth Warren is still a white woman, still does white woman shit on a staggeringly regular basis.
Here’s what baffles me: She could have just NOT published the DNA results. INSTEAD, SHE, HERSELF, singlehandedly got this back into the news cycle and now she’s subject to all this scrutiny of her past! Does she have the political instincts of a SPONGE or what?!
The difficulty is proving malice. The leader of the Proud Boys is suing the SPLC for libel and dude is going to get grilled and roasted during discovery - there are too many tapes out there. This sounds like a Trump trap. He would love to sue newspapers and why not bankroll this kid through one of his ‘donors” and…
‘the incident has “permanently stained” his client’s reputation’
Usually these cases don’t stand a chance, because the plaintiff was a public figure at the time of being libeled. In Sandmann’s case, he was clearly not a public figure. Many publications reported that Sandmann was the aggressor, approaching Phillips, but video shows Phillips approached Sandmann, very closely,…