
For non-black people that have color bias like Indians? Sure. That is a separate discussion, albeit directly related to literally the same colonizers.

For black Latinos, I feel like they are definitely part of the colorism discussion. It’s well known and documented how they get discriminated against for being dark

I think Black people should focus on tackling Colorism and its affects in our community first. How Colorism in the Black American community historically has played out is unique to us. Non-black people of color should have their own discussions and in no way be centered in our own . Let the Latinos tackle the rigid  ra

I hope there are call backs to how Dre treats Junior and how colorism affects that (example, Dre having to get jheris when he was a kid and Junior having that “good hair”)

Light skinned Black men catch absolute Hell too. They are usually characterized as being “soft” and “feminine” . I can absolutely see Dre making fun of Junior by called him El Barge or Christopher Williams for being “flimsy”.

But the denials on Colorism in the Black community are telling. Not that it doesn’t exist within the latinos and Asians as well. And this “We’re all Black” thing that keeps being stated sounds suspiciously similar to “We’re all human.” And, “Dark-skinned hated me because I was light and pretty,” is nothing but the

That’s like saying “I don’t trust conventionally attractive people to lead a discussion on colorism”.

Of course they mean that in a “take this away from Native Americans” context, not in a “college should be more accessible to people like me” context.

This White on White violence must stop! Think of Connecticut!!! White people need to come together and denounce this lol.

I really can’t stand Elizabeth Warren for some reason.  I would still vote for if she was the nominee.  But I really would rather it be anyone else.  

I’m not watching none of this.

I hate that this is also going to be spun to shrink the size of the government. Either everything turns out all right and it can be used as a talking point about how everything’s fine even without a functioning federal government or people quit their fed jobs to join the private sector and then the federal services

It’s not duplicitous to endorse a candidate in a Democratic primary, but then endorse their opponent in the general against a Republican. Like 99.9% of all Dems who lose their primary do this (shout out to Joe Lieberman in 2006.)

I almost felt sorry for Coldplay the difference in the energy between their set and the Beyoncé/Bruno Mars performance is stark. Chris Martin can’t dance at all he spent his entire time jumping up and down when Bruno and his dancers came out the energy jumped 100% add Beyoncé and her dancers the energy level went to

1.) Couldn’t Maroon 5 play their signature brand of crap without rappers? Or are we officially at the point where we have to shoehorn in some black people so black people won’t rightly point out that most halftime shoes with white people on their own are whack?

Travis Scott, known for accepting sloppy seconds and having the name of the guy who sat behind you in your fourth-grade social studies class

Trash-ass NFL is putting their stank on ya, Big Boi.

What would be a scenario which warranted his re/actions?

Yeah, and it’s addressed in the article:

One editorial issue, you misspelled Oglala and shouldn’t the tribe formally be referred to as the Oglala Lakota tribe, not just Oglala tribe?

I’m pretty sure that beard only exists to separate his head and neck. Otherwise people wouldn’t believe him when he insists that he’s not actually just a large thumb.