It started with a phone call to my mother one hazy June afternoon in Indiana. I called my mother every day, multiple…
It started with a phone call to my mother one hazy June afternoon in Indiana. I called my mother every day, multiple…
Sometimes I wonder if it’s done intentionally to drum up business
I am currently hung up on this: “They are in our country we don’t go to the country and try to destroy them and their beliefs...”
Def. seems to be one of the pointy-headed masses activated/enticed to come out of the racist closet by the Russian troll campaign.
Is she aware that Sioux is a derogatory name used by the Ojibwe (it means “little snakes”) when she talks about that 0.01% ?
I wonder if there is a billboard nearby this racist's business.
I have offered, more than once, to put my historical research skills to the test for these people. More than once, the ignorant white dude’s people rolled in through Ellis Island sometime AFTER the Civil War. Occasionally, there’s no easily-found paper trail which means the white folks came over *gasp* ILLEGALLY (or…
No European with any sense would want us back.
White people pretending to have struggle is the more white people I have ever heard.
You know what I want to see, for people who run businesses while trying to be racist in posts.
I’m not North American native. My ancestors saw America and kept walking.
My favorite part of that shitty old line is that there is a very good chance that the African American’s ancestors have been here longer than the cracker’s.
As someone whose ancestors walked to this continent, can all the white people kindly fuck off back to Europe? Please?
Wikipedia says Maxine Waters is from Missouri. What part of Africa is that?
Has anyone actually seen or met a white supremacist that actually had done anything superior in their life ?
Racism in America isn’t new. It is the very foundation that this country was built upon. Open displays of racism…
Jeff Flake had also promised to not confirm any Trump judicial nominees, but he was also aptly named “Flake” so we’ll see, probably just his usual empty posturing.
Speak for yourself. No we aren’t fucked. I’m ready for a fight and god dammit every person of color better be down with me. No More. Fuck Trump, Fuck McConnell and his ugly ass wife, for real son you gonna let your wife take the bullet while you go inside the house, Fuck Paul Ryan, Fuck Bernie Sanders and his Bros,…
I guess White women love The Handmaid’s Tale so much that they wanted to live it. Pat yourselves on the back, 53%.
Yes, we are fucked! This is a disaster, a nightmare come true. Black folks we need to retreat a bit, take stock, and come back harder! This isn’t good at all. And justice Kennedy knows exactly what he’s doing - on his way out he’ll wink at Trump. They share the same agenda: one is crude about it, the other polite &…