
Transwomen are playing the game of life on it’s hardest setting, especially black women. The first thing we need to do is actually step up and say that transwomen ARE women and shut down any of the assholes who want to try and disagree. That goes triple if the people saying different are black men and women. There is

YASSS! Though the actual clothes+accessories here don’t do it for me, I love everything about this show from a design, sociopolitical and production perspective. I was fine with ignoring Coonye and the KrooKrackKlan but the camera man seemed a tad focused on them. Good thing the models are fit because that was a long

John Mayer and Andy Cohen make perfect sense. They both seem to be equally shitty people.

We saw him very early on in flashbacks with Angela. He brought Logan to the “party” that was really just a demonstration of Westworld technology. Dolores might be the very first host created by Arnold and Robert, but it seems like Akechuta showed up pretty soon after that. He was there for Wyatt’s first massacre, too.

Logan is not going to die. William already told Peter Mullan that Logan overdosed centuries ago. So unless he smuggled heroin into Westworld...

This Is Us.

On the edge of a battered road in Avery Lake, Canada, two lynxes had a heated exchange that was captured on camera.

Quoting a British comedian, Russell Howard: “Police say they are looking for a black man in his late 20s... and always will be.”

They want us gone so badly. I wish that we would collectively withhold our money and services from America for just one week, maybe two. Then they will see how long they can last without us. Everyone of them would have an ES dog or gerbil by the weekend.

Roxane Gay: “I don’t have the energy for nonsense but Kanye saying slavery was a choice reiterates my previous statements about how dangerous his trite, shallow ramblings are. He is not a free thinker. He is a free moron who doesn’t read.”

Am I the only one that finds it weird that the teenager is the only one who caught murder charges? Like the 16 year old was the mastermind and the rest of the family just went along with it?

He has no idea how much fuel he just threw in the fire of white ignorance. NO IDEA.

This a new level of nuts. Kanye’s always been off, but he knew where his money came from. Cooning for conservatives isn’t going to fill concert seats. BTW, as to chemicals, an eyedropper of my blood will get your whole frat house high but I’ve never said anything this crazy.

Please keep reading, but full disclosure: I’m a white dude. I was once exposed to what seemed to be a major but hidden thread in black culture when I served in Korea in 2006/7; several older senior Sergeants, whom I greatly respected, were teaching us about the basics of Army motorvehicle maintenance and use. Some of