
“They knew that their acts of abuse were going to be uncovered, so they killed the other siblings and themselves.”

If a child shows up at 1am asking for help, that would be a good time to call the police. Sigh.

Adopting (Black) children just to murder them? Sounds about right for America.

In my heart, I think that couple had murdered Devonte and his sisters. They knew that their acts of abuse were going to be uncovered, so they killed the other siblings and themselves.

They need to use that computing power and take on Sallie Mae.

The funniest part is how screamingly raging stupid this hillbilly fucker is with no idea!

Wouldn’t this make a better centerpiece?

1. Joe Stinchcomb is a black bartender in Mississippi- he is also an Artist, who’s chosen a non-traditional medium (cocktails) in order to create, essentially, a standing Art installation in this form. There is a sense in which this art cannot be considered outside of that context. His creation has created this

(obviously not you)

I wonder if Joe, the bartender who designed the menu, found it interesting or satisfying to observe how his customers reacted to the menu? That could have been an intentional part of his artistic endeavor.

better idea! With a giant oversized MAGA hat hung over it all

It’s also honoring one of the great songs of the last century. There’s a reason it’s covered so frequently, and why it can still make you tear up no matter who’s singing it.

“ I’m angry today”

It’s with an artist’s interpretation of a dilapidated trailer home with a 93 Chevy Cavalier parked in front, all inside a large pill bottle with a redneck’s Gramma’s RX info on the label.

“I can’t imagine ordering a drink using a phrase from a song about lynching, and I can’t understand why anyone would think that was a suitable name for a drink,”

I find these drinks less offensive than the mint julep which has such icky origins in southern plantation culture that I really wish the Kentucky Derby would stop serving them.