

That outfit is fighting the good fight, but losing.

I would have sent that mess off to an obeah man with the quickness. She would have been walking upside down and looking like unholy Hell and I’d just let that work itself out.

Wait, is this sista Jamaican for real? And you just gave her a bunch of your bodily fluids and hair?

I am still waiting for one of Michael’s articles to be cross-posted on Jezebel.

I want to agree...every fucking inch of my being really wanted to read that Rowe was like, “fuck all this nonsense, throw the book at the bitch.” But realistically, I don’t know what her life really looks like on a day-to-day basis. Does Brochu still have friends at the university? Was someone else pressuring Rowe? If

The internet won’t forget. This will follow her forever. I worked as a headhunter; I can tell you that this’ll be her undoing.

Should be. God knows how much trouble that poor girl went through trying to make up classes and taking off time for work.

People need to stop that shit! These motherfuckers don’t even bother to do a proper apology, they never make amends but simple fuckers go on forgiving them so these assholes can go on to do this shit to someone else.

I got you.

Ugh! Haven’t we heard enough from the Jezebeckies on the Farrakhan and Mallory story?

We’re going to get enough of forgiving these monsters. We ain’t gotta “go high” every fucking time. Facing the consequences and being confronted by the unabashed anger and pain your actions have caused is always the best formula for reforming a person.

Why isn’t this on JezeRoot?

“second chance, I hope she will change her ways.”

If someone were to beat the living shit out of this bitch I wouldn’t feel bad about it AT ALL.

Wypipo: mischievous tampering

Racist white people will never not be unattractive as all hell. Like, being white gives you a short shelf life aesthetically as it is. Don’t expedite the process by being a racist bitch.

A friend said she looks like a greasy seahorse.

Good point, her melanin should just join the other side and stay dry and salty.

I’m not sure where else to ask this but... WHY the hell is ‘The Root’ plastering OJ’s face in ads all over the freaking place as if black people care about this shit show of an interview? That is white people shit.. Post it on the sites that they go to. This the type of shit that makes people want to go get the ad