
This idea of values the IT in Chief is pedaling is just a distraction for his base. DJT does not care at all for anyone outside of his own ego, but needs it stroked. He was a CEO, he was the host of a messed up reality show, and now he is President. He needs to feel like a winner, regardless, and now he is in a

especially don’t kink-shame here - very rude to give away for free what goddess haven and her colleagues are tryna sell

You know I love you. I was a bitter jealous queen towards you once. Because Pajamas published you at the original site. And you are Janet Stan and I renounced her for attempting to turn that ATL troll into the next Rene. When you shared your medical struggles it made me lose the petty and find the inter-sectional


First of all, it is “we black women”, not “us black women”.

But not too busy to bitch slap KK, on the fly.

I. Can’t. Stand. Sage. Steel!! Secretary of The Sunken Place is the most accurate title you can give her.

Calling this tone deaf is giving this owner too much of a break, “wonderful minority employee” who under the age of 90 talks like that in 2018(other than *45), someone who thinks giving black people watermelon as a gift is funny, and I would say this type of person knows full well what they are doing and they just

White Person: “God, can’t everybody stop talking about race? Why does everything have to be about race? Slavery was a long time ago!”

While I thought it was an innocent inside joke between employees who are friends,

Aren’t we over these shenanigans by now? This sh*t gets boring.

Earlier Kanye rapped, “When he get on, he’ll leave your ass for a white girl,” and later Kanye did just that, but I didn’t expect him to lose his voice.

It’s his job to explain to his wife why what she’s been doing and continues to do is not only wrong, it’s hurtful, to black women.

He’s not the first and he won’t be the last. I have seen this countless times. It’s as if the entirety of their upbringing/essence just vaporizes. They revel in seeing their alabaster goddess Miss Anne put everyone in their place. And when they do return from the sunken place, guess whose bosom of safety they want to

Goddamn, Solange is beautiful.

But I know that I’m asking a lot. I’m literally asking a black man in the sunken place to explain the history of cultural erasure to a plastic blowup doll.

Par for the course, really.