
Damn. I never thought about the Handmaid’s Tale from this POV. I loved season one, guess I wont be watching season two.

Thank you for this. I’ve been trying to put into words the blank stares, the denials, the sour faces and over the top slightly hysterical enthusiasm I’ve seen from white women as WOC have taken centre stage in these movements. With a few exceptions, I see you Reese, Alyssa, the muted seethe has been real. They don’t

This whole show is a molestation apocalypse. Her boyfriend, then the father of 2 of her kids, then the ex-husband of her other child’s father’s wife. Are there any men even remotely connected to this family and show who are not touching children?

Any parent who continues a relationship with the person who molested one of their children should have all of their children removed from their care. How horrific. That man is most likely touching her other children, as well as whatever kids he can get his hands on. Molesters don’t just do it once, to one child. This

FINALLY someone decided to point this out. I have low standards for tabloids, but to see sites like People breathlessly covering this woman’s makeover/redemption (and thus putting money in her pocket) without bothering to mention why she even needs to be redeemed is so completely sickening. No amount of makeup or

Alternate possibility: she has dumb, rich parents who are paying out-of-state rates to send her to what is not an especially prestigious university, and isn’t even all that close to either a beach or a ski slope.

People only seem to call it shameless grandstanding when the so called “libtards” are doing it. Conservatives go HARD IN THE PAINT for their base. I want “shameless grandstanding” to continue. In the Immortal Words of The Real World... “When people stop being polite, and start getting real”

Yep. The Beckyreflectors get dropped like a welder’s mask over those eyes.

She’s sitting there as Homeland Security Secretary and she doesn’t know the basic facts involved in issues under her purview.

Since shameless grandstanding is the only thing this administration seems to understand, it’s time to take the fight back to them.

It’s shameless grandstanding, but man, that woman deserves to go home feeling like she should just slit her wrists in the bathtub.

Aw thanks boo! Yep, it’s a good one, as expected!

Dude is a rank opportunist! After Trump, president of the US, publicly called him “the dumbest man on television”, he lost some of his neo-con aspirations. Let’s not be taken in by his supposedly new militant stance. The black-bashing Don Lemon is the real Don Lemon.

Sprocketssheiße or something. Not speaking German or having the slightest grasp of the grammar isn’t gonna keep me from coining words.

Someone activated the spore drive and our Don Lemon got switched with the mirror universe’s woke Don Lemon and now people are confused.

Don Lemon doesn’t deserve a pass, recognition, or anything. Let’s also not forget that in attempting to out Shaun King as another Racheal Dolezal, he exposed a family secret that didn’t need to be publicized.