
And they wonder why we’re angry.

That should say 60k not 600k

Clearly this man escaped from The Island of Dr. Moreau.

But don’t tell your friends lol

Go to Samara.

You get all the stars today!!

I’ve visited many times and all I will say is more POC should go. No military, animals are protected, homes are relatively inexpensive, brown people, the cost to move there (600k paid in that you receive back in small amounts yearly) beats any other country I’ve looked into. They don’t take your money and never give

I’m just gonna stick with my plan of getting the hell out of here and moving to Costa Rica. I’m not looking to move to another country filled with white folk who are descendants of criminals.

Next you’ll be screaming “burn the witch.”

You know what?! Serpico and his man bun can take his, thinks he looks undercover ass, all the way to that desk he’ll be sitting in for a loooooooong time. Bravo to this man for calling out ole man bun for being a corrupt idjit.

I quit. It’s time to pull a Josephine Baker and leave this dumpster fire of a country.

Thank you for being honest.

Thank you!!!

THIS!!!! I sincerely doubt Lena looked at her own chaos and said “wow I’m making this dog a chaotic bundle of nerves.” No stability, chaos in household, I’m betting many friends coming over. All contribute to a dog feeling unsafe. I don’t doubt that there were some issues from the onset but without stability and

Sorry for typos, iPhone and wonky thumbs do not mix

Don’t think about is leaving a news platform, think of it as ways you can interject the news into sitcom fodder. Blackish has been great for this and your moving to a offshoot of this shows just proves the level of quality we can look forward to. We will miss the hell out of you but I, for one, cannot wait to see you

But, as a mixed race woman with brown skin, I am still lumped into these bizarre caricatures that rom-coms present about women of color. I definitely did not see this as an attack on my parents. It was a discussion about how white women are the ultimate goal, the prize, the sign that you’ve made it in the world. Does

Yes!! Join!

My parents adore their granddog. My dad says he’s a very proud Grandpaw and he bought her a Christmas stocking. It’s quite adorable they’re best friends lol

Seriously!! It’s such bs and as a woman of color I’m pretty grossed out about how much other women feel that this is such a horrific thing to do. I’m worried about being shot at while driving, standing, being in a bar...worried about making less money than white women, worried about the lack of school equity for brown