
Yeah, the reason this is happening is because brown men attacked white women. Obviously there is a problem with foriegn nationals not reapecting women and that should be addressed, but I highly doubt the vast majorty of women in Germany are assulted by foreign men.

I know that, im not saying the cops were not in the wrong. Just that his gun was illegal.

Didnt he have is gun illegally though. Its an open carry state, but his gun wasnt legal.

How is him being wrongfulky murdered relevant to him being a sex offender. U can beliwve twonthings at once that this guy is vile for what he did to the minor and think his murder is unjust. You dont have to cry for him.

I dont get how people dont get this. you dont just fight for justice for the right kind of victim. What happened to this guy was wrong. The cops should have arrested him not killed him.

What is this comment.

Its fun because it could hurt fox news and bring done roger. Sigh.

She’ll probably keep quite. Kelly only cares about herself.

No its not, our country is deeply devided and there are republicans just like there are democrats that vote party line no matter what. There are a ton of republicans who hate trump, but cant even bring themselves to vote the other party.

My issue is people making everything black amd white. The victim wasnt a good guy, he had a record and he fought with the police, but the cops shouldnt have killed him. U arrest him and charge him. Let the system work. U can think the victim was in the wrong and believe the cops are in the wrong too. How is this so

No, you explain why sanders plan wont work in our political climate. Now she’s putting forth a plan that has no way of happening. Hillary was right about bernie’s plan. Adopting some of it seems not wise.

They didnt say that at all. Not everyone who diagrees or is critical of hillary is a bernie supporter.


Yeah no people have a problem with hillary and her supporters calling bernies plan unrealistic, but now that she has adopted some of it. Its now a great plan.

When bernie came up with is plan, hillary said it was unrealist, but now that she has adopted it its realistic.

Hillary supporters have been critizing bernie for his unrealisticcollege plans but the moment hillary adapts them there good. Come on.

The bernie or bust is a vocal minotry most of those supporters will vote hillary. Its like 2008 didnt happen, hillary came out strong for obama and still had a sizeble number of hillary supporters not wanting to vote for obama.

What is this comment. But this plan isnt realistic just like bernies.

Yeah, this isnt going to happen.

She won’t this will not hurt them one bit.