
Ok, but he charged them with a knife and the taser didn’t work. Doesn’t that mean anything?

“I’m not a nanny state person”

Not so:

He should build removable “living quarters” into the bed and register it as an RV. Problem solved.

So you went to an artist, asked for some art, the artist said: nah, I don’t do that, and you’re pissed to the point of tears? You don’t want an artist, you want a typesetter. You want someone who doesn’t care what his name goes on. Sure, some of his other work sucks, in your eyes, but not in his. Its his art. If

Dude’s tailgating me bad on a single lane transition road. A second lane opens up, and he blows past me like I’m standing still. No problem by me, guy can go as fast as he wants, I say. But not the upcoming curve. He’s going so fast that he gets into a tank-slapper and loops it 180 degrees. I have plenty of time to

So you won’t live anywhere that has a Christian church? Huh.

How about an ejection seat with a temperature sensor?

What exactly is wrong with texting at a stoplight? I know its illegal, but what is wrong with it?

I’m intrigued: Why on earth are you “extremely afraid” of driving? What is there to be afraid of? I mean, you’ve ridden in cars, I assume, driven by regular human beings. Are they somehow capable of this task, while you are not? Are you afraid of riding in cars also?

Bro- do your wrenching, but don’t try to convince anyone that a broken down hoopty isn’t an eyesore. It’s awful looking. It’s awesome, but it’s awful also. Just get it done quickly. And if you can’t, like with your CV project, just put the wheel back on and lower the car so it doesn’t look like you’re running a

Denial ain’t just a river in Egypt. . .

So when the contractor wanted to make it right, you couldn’t figure out how? What did you originally want him to do for you- fix his mistakes? Why didn’t you let him do that? It sounds like you threw a petty and (you thought) repercussion-less hissy, and when he forced you to go face-to-face, you couldn’t stand behind

Hey, he’s right: there is a vehicle in this photo!

Talk about interfering with natural selection. . .

Yes, sometimes guns are the answer.

This should have been a defensive gun use.

I can’t believe you dismiss, with a couple of sentances, any advice to carry a weapon and return fire. Plenty of people have CCWs, and might be positioned 1) to take a shot at the shooter from a position of relative safety, or 2) where there is no escape and fighting back is the only option. Perhaps before you visit a

Trying to make this about guns is profoundly simplistic. It’s also the coward’s argument, because banning guns will never happen and your “simple answer” will never be tested. You can rant and rave about how guns are the problem confident that no one will ever call your bluff. How nice it must be to know that no one

“. . .despite objections that the establishment wouldn’t be able to determine if a customer was a felon or an alcoholic.”