To quote myself here: “I was primarily referring to RPGs with prerendered backgrounds.” Skyboxes are a totally different thing. And RPGs with prerendered backgrounds have static cameras. That picture is a fan made high res image of Final Fantasy 7 which had static prerendered 2D backgrounds way back on the PS1.…
Fair point. I guess I was primarily referring to RPGs with prerendered backgrounds. They did it all the time on the PS1 and it was just fine. The character models and various dynamic bits of background still need to be rendered in 3D but with the hardware now it would be so much easier to use shaders and effects to ble…
All I see is:
“...honestly... Persona 5 saved RPGs”
I never understood why when developers are given the power to create more elaborate and beautiful 2D art than ever before they feel the need to turn everything 3D. It’s definitely gotten better in recent years, but while I’m still loving the FF7R series so far, I’m still waiting for this. It would be a fraction of the…
I think the real smoking gun is just how different the opening mission is from nearly everything else in the game. Being the opening mission, they probably spent the most time with that one, and given more money and time it seems likely that there wasn’t supposed to be a dramatic shift and the rest of the game would…
Maybe a few months ago was really just the friends we made along the way...
Your next mission is to ignore missions!
I’d have been a big fan of that approach!
Good work is subjective though, and for some playable is good enough. Generally, I completely agree with you, but we don’t yet know—as far as I’m aware—whether or not MGS4 is actually on the next volume, I’ve heard rumors saying that it both is and isn’t, and I can understand somebody wanting to at least show the…
But this is also Konami we’re talking about. Not buying their bad products doesn’t mean that they’ll reevaluate and decide to put out better products, it just means that we won’t get any products, and even a barebones MGS4 port will be better than no port. With that said, I haven’t actually purchased this collection,…
Interesting perspective! You’re probably the first person I’ve heard that started with V and then went back. I think most people disliked Keifer simply because he wasn’t Hayter and not because of the job he actually did. I’d wager a bet on that tone being the very reason they recast for V, the entire tone of the game…
My guess is that with the tone of MGSV Kojima just wanted something that sounded more serious and dramatic, and Keifer was apparently pretty huge in Japan at the time. I love Hayter’s voice acting but it comes off a little goofy at times.
The fact that you likened the card game to Gwent and didn’t mention anything of the card games in FF8 and FF9 (the best parts of those games), hurts me deeply...
With that said, huzzah! Another FF card game!
I can’t tell you exactly what’s going on, but from what I can tell Ratchet and Clank 2016 originally sold for $40 while RA sold for $70. That’s almost an 80% mark up, so that probably explains some of it at least. Plus, it’s possible that not every sale was full price. And then there’s the PC version to factor in.
I wonder how that’s calculated. I know very few people in their 30's that own homes and almost all the ones I do know their parents bought them, of course that’s anecdotal, but I’ve lived a lot of places. Now if we’re talking rich tech bros and zoomtubers buying multiple houses, that makes sense.
There’s a whole lot of insufferably pretentious people that think that calling him that makes them not, when it’s really quite the opposite. Dude works a lot, he’s in charge of multiple projects in the pipeline, he runs a company, meaning a whole lot of mouths depend on him for food, that’s all exhausting I’m sure.…
And crying about a self-pity party is not being even more insufferable and even more of a baby? Life really isn’t better with everybody in it. This planet would be a lot better off with a lot less people.
Personally, I’d rather it be normal to buy a house again than the corporate dystopia of licensing and rental but immediate access to increasingly cheaper junk made with planned obsolescence with most research only leading to paid fake reviews that we currently live in. Thing is, you’re old enough to probably actually…