Aleaf Inwind

Grocery stores are a business, they need to cover their costs in order to stay in business, that’s not inherently greed. They typically operate on razor thin profit margins (typically 1 - 3%), but those tiny margins are offset by volume. So they incentivize volume in order to stay in business, otherwise they could

Right. The whole point of streamlining manufacturing, by cutting out an entire line and effectively only making one console instead of two, is to reduce the manufacturing costs, not increase them. 

It at least makes some sense at the grocery store. Food expires, often times quickly, that’s money going to waste, on top of that they have limited shelf space, so they need to move as much product as fast as possible, which means enticing buyers to buy more at once.

I think it’s worth noting that this is the first time that Sony has released a slim console without reducing the CPU node size. (Stupid) People kept arguing that the new node was justification for raising the price of the digital console. 

He’s said several times that peoples headcanon for Pyramid Head is complete BS.”

Could you elaborate? I thought the understood canon was simply that Pyramid Head was a manifestation of Jame’s guilt along with every other monster and so James showing up in Silent Hill literally is PH’s origin story. But there’s also

Garland made no such allusions, they were simply pointing out that not everyone has trash pick-up available to them, so clearly you do think you’re superior, because you had to make shit up in order to point out that they’re not, and then try to hide it under a false cover of humility, that’s whack.

Well you can’t just go around projecting all over everything like that and not expect somebody to point it out, you got some of your photons in my mouth after all. But I do love how you just want to spend time with me every day, whispering your sweet nothings into my ear, you really are a sweetie pie.

Lmao, something tells me that you’re the incel here. Not sure what you get out of your desperate trolling, but to each their own I guess. 

Agreed. Having to pick between Opera and Ashton is by far the worst part of that game, I really hope somebody finds a way to mod having them both in. Locking Gyoro and Ururun behind a choice is practically a sin.

On a kind of funny note, I still remember the first time I beat the game, Opera paired off with Leon, and

Spiderman 2 is a guaranteed success. BG3 is already a success and there’s constant patches coming out fixing a lot in it, I’m already feeling like I should have waited a while on it. I’m really hoping that if the Star Ocean 2 remake is successful that we get more remakes from Square in the same vein. I haven’t looked

Holy cow, it’s great that they’re giving this game so much support, but with how much they’re changing and the continual breaking of mods with every patch, I’m really starting to feel like I should have waited a year on this one.

Wow, no kidding, some of these comments are batshit insane... o_O

I hope you have a good, slightly less absurd, taco filled day mate!

Give Me Tacos was just pondering safety, which is a legitimate concern.

Lmao, clearly you’ve been called that a time or two, that really struck a chord!

Kinja never ceases to amaze me... it truly is a marvel.

I’d say it’s a masterpiece despite its tank controls. It’s not the easiest on the eyes these days either. Personally I’m really looking forward to a new coat of paint and some grease in the wheels as long as they keep the story content the same. Whether or not they’ll pull it off is still to be seen, but there’s

The truth is... you, everyone you know and love, everyone you don’t know and hate, this very planet, that suspicious block of cheese (you know the one), laniakea, the entire freakin universe, and yes, even I, your sort-of-friendly neighborhood ephemeral foliage, are all just an ad. Not just any ad, mind you. The

Same here. Kinja is falling apart apparently.

Eh, this isn’t even really a game, and Silent Hill ƒ and that other one that I don’t remember the name of seem intriguing, though we know next to nothing about them. I’d say we still have 3 chances though.

The more difficult problem to address is that many of Ascension’s detractors don’t only think that the series is a scam, but also that it shouldn’t exist.”

I don’t think it’s a scam, but I definitely think that it shouldn’t exist. I could see Konami throwing this out to capitalize on a resurgence of the franchise if