
“Hitler was, you know, a demon on steroids, but he had some pretty good one-liners.”

I mean, he is the RED ranger...

Just watched that episode recently for Christmas, probably my favorite line is during that scene where Pierce kicks Troy and says he has to be ready for anything in a street fight:

It’s not worth it to spend your limited free time on new streaming shows because they’re mostly garbage. Algorithm based, 8-10 episode season shows that get cancelled after one season if they don’t go viral. That may be a large reason why people like nostalgic shows, because 9/10 every new Netflix show is trash.

Nostalgia is nice” - UK Based Empowerment Instructor Grace McMahon

Tell me your job is swindling people on Insta without telling me

Great review, but this is entirely too many links in one paragraph. What do you expect, that we’ll open every one of them, read through the articles, and then come back to this one after 3.5 hours?

No no, didn’t you read the heading underline? It’s because he’s gay and Black

“Get mad! If it helps, think of me as someone who annoys you”

Yup, my season 2 DVDs are looking better and better. Now, if only I had something to play them with...

The role of Jeff was originally created with Harmon’s good friend and confidant Jeff Davis, who actually auditioned for the role. Seems that Joel was better, or that the studio wanted him instead.

“I may be broke, but I’m not work-with-Chevy-broke”

This is not the point of the article. But I’m glad to know you approve of her chest.

Chase was an asshole even when he was the young, sarcastic, handsome guy. He was a bloviating asshole even in the late 70s.

“Advanced Horseplay” sounds like it could have been the title of that never-seen, referenced-in-clip-shows Western episode

The electoral college system is indeed fucked, but we’ll never actually get rid of it because Republicans know that representative democracy is literally the only way they’ll ever be in the White House again.

Most of these “free” food deals involve spending money upfront. Pass.

Katy O’Brian has serious Snoo Snoo energy:

For many people, my parents included, more than 3 hours is an immediate no-go for them, and they say they’ll catch it on streaming a couple of months after if it’s that good. I’m tending to agree with them more as I get older