i saw the pilot a couple of days ago, and OMG that shit was
good!!!, easily one of the best pilots that i've seen in a long time,
and i watch a lot of tv, just one episode and its already a serious
contender at the best new show of the year
i saw the pilot a couple of days ago, and OMG that shit was
good!!!, easily one of the best pilots that i've seen in a long time,
and i watch a lot of tv, just one episode and its already a serious
contender at the best new show of the year
my review:
NOPE!, everyone was perfect last night
Agent Coulsoncockblocking-FitzSimmons
this episode(s) was a big fat A+, everything was just perfect
Bruce finding the batcave was supposed to be the big ending of the
MANIMAL: ♪ ♫nobody likes me, everybody hates me, I guess I'll go eat worms♪ ♫
i really don't understand what are you doing watching the show and commenting in every single article related to SHIELD when clearly, you absolutely hate the show
if not, he's the only one that's left
thank god Oliver looked through that window, otherwise Maseo would have been there waiting in that rooftop all fuc*ing night
Arrow went from being my #1 among comic book tv shows and one of my
favorites shows overall…..to be, now, in a very distant fourth place,
and a show that i just watch because, i don't know, reasons, what a
this episode wasn't an A, not even close
i hope you dont mind, but i'm gonna copy your comment and i'm gonna use it in another site, its fuc**ng hilarious….don't worry, i won't take credit for it
SHIELD has been better than Arrow every single week this season
i'm glad they are keeping ward as a bad guy, and that they aren't giving
him some crappy redemption story, he is so cool this way