
My issue with Fitness+ (and admittedly it’s been mostly from browsing and trying a yoga video) is that it’s very helpful, but has an awfully thin catalogue for the price. I bought an Apple Watch in September so I have the three free months to test it out, but in it’s current form it doesn’t feel like it’s totally

He’s also setting it up so the GOP looks insane if they fight him. He’s coming into it trying to be above the fray, which is probably the right approach to start. Remember, he’s got to present himself as a unifying leader as a contrast to the insanity of the last 4 years.

So is Somerset County-as more people move west from Middlesex/Union/Essex etc, it’s turning the western part of the state more blue. 

This is true. However, it’s also important to remember that for still-unknown reasons, sometimes people are allergic regardless of when they’re exposed.

Yup. It’s a uniquely heterosexual privilege to claim there’s “no point” to marriage, because most of the worst-case scenarios even when unmarried can often be protected by legal precedent (like common-law marriage, or being able to convince a hospital to respect a relationship because it’s boy/girl). There’s so many

I think theaters are going to split into two basic styles:

100%, Dennis wins it for me for the same reason. I had a teacher in middle school who would give us Andes as a reward for finishing the required state testing, so not only were you done with your test, you got a delicious fancy candy AND a handy tiny paper airplane out of it. 

In this particular pandemic scenario, absolutely, everyone wants to improve employment.

Among other reasons, she’s very much in favor of reducing unemployment as a way to stimulate the economy as opposed to “make money cheaper and jobs will appear”.

That’s a fascinating chart, but I’d also love to see more long-term context, like how did their districts vote overall? Are these democrats who lost due to ticket-splitting, where people voted Biden but then voted for the republican rep, or did the whole district shift red? We know for at least a few of the people who

Technically so does But I’m A Cheerleader. As well as DEBS. And Better than Chocolate.

Absolutely. The second someone swore her in either in court or in front of Congress, she was going to have to go ON THE RECORD justifying why she blew off 50 years of precedent, all while everyone from GOP donors to national security experts were weighing in on the long-term consequences of her holding out.

Doctor visits? Or neighbors with serious boundary issues?

The only saving grace is that there’s a number of laws that ban electors from doing that-the supreme court even ruled that electors votes can be tossed and they will be replaced if they act against the will of the popular vote. 

I assume at the time we did the training (mid-late 90s?) they were concerned that Jews for Jesus was preying on lonely college kids and pretending to be an actual Jewish group. The overall training was also about spotting cult behavior in general and avoiding being targeted as a vulnerable college kid by any cult

My hebrew school brought a guy in to teach us how to avoid Jews for Jesus because they wanted us to be educated and prepared for when we got inevitably cornered in college by them.

I’ve trained with kettlebells on and off for about 5 years, and I lost my grip on one once.

I use this trick all the time. My parents will open a k-cup and stash it on the fridge shelves to keep their fridge smelling nice too.

The stress of all this is getting to me, because I totally read “International House of Prayer founder Mike Bickle” as “Milk Pickle”. old was Barron when Don Jr was having an affair with Aubrey Day? I’m too lazy to google but if I recall right, Barron was like 12 when Trump was elected. And Aubrey Day had an affair with Jr probably 6-7 years depending on the timeline, you’re looking at anywhere from 3-6 year old Barron