
I get my rotisserie chicken from Wegmans, and I have zero issue with leaks. The bag is sealed pretty well, so as long as you aren’t playing football or infinity gauntlet with it the plastic should hold. 

Well...there’s a lot of speculation those weren’t so much made because everyone had a great plan, but because Sony had to use Spider-man or risk a phalanx of Disney lawyers showing up to steal him back. 

I think she meant rules, but Ruby Rose’s accent kept slipping. 

True-for better or worse, if you’re not the face of a major sports team you’re expendable. The whole system is bonkers and not great for the athletes. 

This super sucks but isn’t understanding is that track and field athletes in general, and women in particular, get the shaft really fast on endorsement deals. And those deals aren’t exactly crazy lucrative like other sports to begin with.

It makes sense it came from Australia. I know it as a rugby thing-score in the game, shoot the boot at the drinkup after. 

There’s a diner by me that offers an eggs benedict over potato pancakes. It’s the greatest meal in the world, as long as you only plan to eat one meal that day.

YES! I was about to suggest the same thing. Pathfinder in that age range is the perfect car-can handle itself well, fun as hell to drive, and looks great.

Plus, while she probably didn’t know about it at the time, in the aftermath of the Varsity Blues bust and the kids being expelled for buying their way into school, people would be CONSTANTLY side-eyeing her degree. 

Excellent point!

Ah, see, it’s just me and/or my 5 year old, so if he’s in an “I am subsisting on air and gummy bears” phase it lasts longer than if he’s in a “I’ve swallowed a black hole, feed me until I pass out” phase. 

Do you happen to live near a Wegmans? Because Costco’s is great, but Wegmans at 4.99 is pretty good too. 

Those thin blue line flags confused the hell out of me at first, because the color scheme and blocking is not that different from the black/blue BDSM pride flag. When people first started putting those thin blue line flags on their cars, I spent a solid week wondering why the hell there were so many patriotic kinky

I feel this way about rotisserie chicken. I can get a whole, plain, cooked chicken for $4.99, or I can buy a chicken and set aside a few hours to cook it properly.

I’m wondering if I can call up the Eternal Sunshine people about erasing the memory of that trailer. 

This is goddamn nightmare fuel. And the worst part is that my child adores all things Sonic, so I know I’m going to have to suffer through it.

Re, 5: But they didn’t have Ant-Man for 5 more years. Time travel might be funky, but it would have been even harder to send an atom-sized Ant-Man running all over the galaxy looking for teeny weeny infinity stones, especially since there’s no guarantee Thanos snapping them kept them all in the same place.  

Yea, with 17 years of hindsight I sort of wonder how we managed to NOT get thrown out...or how they even let us in, considering we were pretty trashed before we got there. 

I was a vegetarian for a while, and my first Passover skipping meat my grandma proudly showed me that she made me a bowl of chicken soup with just the vegetables. As in, she just picked the chicken out of the bowl, but she was so excited to serve it to me I politely ate a few bites, because how do you say no to a

Surprisingly, a friend and I drunkenly fell asleep sitting on the floor of a club in Boston and no one noticed. It was noisy, we were talking, we got tired, we sat, suddenly it was last call.