
I think that’s the running assumption unless Joyce had a slew of fresh syringes lying around. And if it was, it had just been shoved into Will a few minutes earlier, so it makes sense that any infectious material might still be fresh enough to infect Billy. 

It’s ok, when American (Nightmare) Dream opens at the Meadowlands it will make you nostalgic for this place.

How long until GR or one of their supporters defends their use of board member-businesses with “We can’t trust outside science!”

I really want to know what the deal is with what appears to be the T-1000 from T2 stalking someone in a funhouse. Because from the profile, that dude is a dead ringer for Robert Patrick from 30 years ago.

Gotta admit, I watched a few of the 90s eps too, and yea...there was something about the chemistry among that cast that made them feel more familial.

In an effort to make this not quite so Game of Thrones without dragons, I’m operating under the assumption the brother hacked her phone/stole the information.

I don’t live in GA so I mostly had vaguely positive thoughts on Stacey Abrams thanks to her excellent SOTU rebuttal.

Ah yes...when I started at Brandeis, my mom was all “Well, you have no excuse not to come home for Passover every year!”

Of course there was the scion of a world leader involved. They just need accusations of tax fraud to round out the cult bingo. 

Old WB actors! Liquor heirs! Stealking! I am hard pressed to figure out what else they could have done, short of also storing nukes in the basement next to a weed farm. 

I really, really, really want photos of Priyanka Chopra in a fake mustache and trench coat.

I am so, so glad I am not the only one who has that issue! 

I was thinking the same thing. $15,000 has to buy you one hell of an SAT tutor, and $500,000 probably buys plenty of personalized tutoring and coaching...

I once told someone “hold on a second, love” during a business call because I was trying to talk while also placating my toddler who was rapidly scaling my legs to get into my lap.

It wasn’t a huge chip, and also at 1am I did not have the presence of mind to look for the missing piece, so the dentist used some sort of material to fill it in and picked a color that matched my tooth.

For what it’s worth, once you actually chip your tooth you get over that fear. Sort of.

I just want to know what meeting looked at a list of name choices and thought “yes, mayomust has a nice ring to it”.

I mostly use Siri with CarPlay, because it’s way easier to change music or call someone without taking my eyes off the road. Also, I seem to always remember shit I need to do while I’m driving, so I dictate a lot of tasks.

It was totally a groaner...but someone had to say it. 

Did no one else immediately think “Well...Jussie Smollett is free...”