
I was thinking the same thing. $15,000 has to buy you one hell of an SAT tutor, and $500,000 probably buys plenty of personalized tutoring and coaching...

I once told someone “hold on a second, love” during a business call because I was trying to talk while also placating my toddler who was rapidly scaling my legs to get into my lap.

It wasn’t a huge chip, and also at 1am I did not have the presence of mind to look for the missing piece, so the dentist used some sort of material to fill it in and picked a color that matched my tooth.

For what it’s worth, once you actually chip your tooth you get over that fear. Sort of.

I just want to know what meeting looked at a list of name choices and thought “yes, mayomust has a nice ring to it”.

I drove a 2018 (?) basest base-y model possible during a test drive once. It was a weird test drive because I had to basically stand in front of an employee in a nearly empty dealership for a solid 10 minutes before someone acknowledged me, then they just handed me the keys to a Soul out front and told me to give it a

Agreed! She just seems like a super nice person.

I’m 95% sure this was the plot of a Hallmark movie my mom and I got drunk to a few Christmases ago...

I get what this advice is saying, but the thing to remember is that it just wants you to consider logistics. Sometimes “live close, drive less” isn’t always cheapest:

And whether or not Jen was pregnant.

Gotcha. Well, then i guess it comes back to “reliably unforgettable” as the main criteria...

I think he was just trying to say he didn’t want a flashy luxury vehicle? It’s confusing to me too. I work in a client-facing industry and I often go to people’s houses for meetings. When I bought my car, yea, it was in the back of my head that clients were going to see it, but only insofar as I didn’t want a total

Exactly, the dispatcher was probably trying to figure out if they were sending EMTs for a psych visit or an ER visit or if they really needed animal control. It’s got to be a weird call to try to parse, especially since there’s not a lot of overlap between specialties there!

To be fair-if anyone in my life called me and said they found a well-fed tiger in a suburban garage, I’d at least gently question if drugs were involved. I would imagine dispatch was probably going along with the caller saying they were high on pot but probably figured if they were hallucinating a tiger something much

Salt in all forms and all colors is delicious and wonderful and should put liberally on all foods. 

yea HBO wasn’t afraid of Scientology lawyers-something tells me the Jackson estate doesn’t scare them either. 

True, as I said I grew up Reform so I didn’t want to make a mistake in referencing the other branches.

Good point! I grew up Reform, so while I knew the Conservative movement has become more LGBT friendly, I didn’t know enough to comment or include them-didn’t want to stick my foot in my mouth! 

I can’t speak to protestants. But the overarching Reform Judaism org is 100% LGBT friendly, so you’d be very unlikely to find a Reform synagogue that wasn’t gay friendly. It’s not as corporate as Catholics but all Reform rabbis are trained and taught under the URJ rules which explicitly welcome/support/champion LGBT