
Oh god that sounds awful. That management sounds super shitty. I hope you found better work afterwards! Not surprised B&N poached a bunch of your baristas, they did that to us too. Not that it took much, when your choices were working in a clean, maintained, new Starbucks, or a cafe so nondescript regular customers

Aww Borders. I left in 2006, so I was there right as they started converting from in-house cafes to Seattles Best. Except my store, which was deemed “too difficult” to convert because of age and layout.

My theory, based entirely on the infinite Reys in the mirror scene, is that Rey is the only viable outcome of a cloning program. She doesn’t have to be a clone of a Skywalker, but the idea that someone took an amalgation of a bunch of Jedi and tried to clone them, with only one surviving.

Is that why his grandson went by Steven R McQueen on Vampire Diaries?

Worse, they could say they were carp babes and be catfishing. That wouldn’t be very sunny. That’s a quite a shock coming down the pike. It would really minnow the readership. And Univision would watch from their perch.

Honestly? The one on the left looks more like someone de-grossified Casey Affleck. 

Yikes, glad you didn’t gore your hand. Those soup bags...I remember them. Also the proofer where they kept the paninis, and this was when they had the vegetarian one with the mushrooms...every time those were in it I swear that whole area smelled like savory death.

It’s been 15 years since I was on the front lines at Panera, but IIRC the salads are made in-house, so you’re good there.

I worked for Panera for almost a year in college. Just the sight of that bread bowl brings back smells and memories that made me very, very glad I was already done with lunch.

Gamestop has them, at least they did when I bought my SNES Classic from them (I did have to call a local Gamestop to put the SNES on hold). 

Good points! Another outlier: Golden Girls. I swear that show exists in some sort of magic time capsule where the story and jokes remain relevant no matter when you’re watching it. 

I have been known to make myself a bowl of my son’s honey nut cheerios solely so I can have the milk that’s leftover. It’s excellent in homemade cold brew. 

100% agreed. If (IF) he has a personal computing device of any sort, it probably has 50 billion Scientology filters, because he’s their crown jewel and he can never be allowed to find out the truth. 

Once the birds are out of the nest, move it IMMEDIATELY. Don’t wait even a day, because mama Robin will be right back for the next egg laying session.

Depends on the production company’s bail budget. 

Exactly! I have three criteria for a gym:

1) You don’t know who is going to mace you or otherwise attack you for confronting a shoplifter. It’s actually one of the main reasons why company policies say not to confront a shoplifter, because it tends to look bad for them if their employees get assaulted playing Keystone Kop.

I would imagine they might actually improve, since Disney has quite the appetite for genre properties that can be merchandised to hardcore fans. The Orville had a very good first season, and if they hit a really strong groove in S2 I think Disney would be happy to have yet another sci fi/fantasy property. 

I say the only way to get the catfish is clearly by noodling ( Immediately followed by a replacement hand for the noodler and a medal of honor.