
We took kiddo and his friends to see it for his birthday over the weekend. I think, conservatively, kiddo has made me watch the original movie approximately 150,000 times, so the bar was high...

Maybe (and I’m totally spitballing here) Target had one of those electric fences to prevent people from stealing the carts and it failed? Otherwise it seems like a stretch, unless the cart throwers were employed by Target.

I really feel like they missed an opportunity here by not having a middle name starting with S...Reese S Cupp.

I would have put “better than chocolate” or “incredibly true adventures of two girls in love” over “All Over Me”. I loved All Over Me when I saw it, but if I’m thinking of super happy ending movies, I feel like AOM is more bittersweet-yes, she gets the girl, but she loses her best friend to what will probably be a I the only person who finds watching IIHS crash tests to be oddly soothing? Like, if I’m having a truly terrible day, watching them slam a car into a wall at different angles is kind of calming.

I saw it last night. Here’s the thing-it’s not a great piece of art. But it’s a fricking entertaining movie about pretty people pulling off a needlessly complex heist, and by that metric, it was definitely up there with the Clooney Ocean’s 11, and given the sheer amount of flirting between all the women I’m going to

Ok that’s so much worse than the time an army of albino spiders came crawling out of the vents of my Altima.

Ok, then seriously-New Brunswick is very diverse, and it’s way bigger than just a “college town”.

Assuming he works for either Rutgers Newark or Rutgers New Brunswick, he could find a culturally diverse neighborhood right where the campuses are located. I don’t know much about Newark’s campus but I grew up with Rutgers New Brunswick practically in my backyard-he can definitely find a funky neighborhood free of

YES. I sat through Phantom Menace AND Attack of the Clones for my 5 year old recently. TPM was way too talky about trade federation wars, and I was totally confused how a galaxy with that level of technology couldn’t just go see if an entire planet was in fact under attack. And trying to explain Anakin and Padme in

I feel like the best use would be as the crunchy topping on mac and cheese.

I agree. Also, I always thought “boarding school friends” was a code like “boston marriage”.

I grew up in NJ. Can confirm Action Park, aka Traction Park, was every bit as ridiculously dangerous as described.

Goddammit I loved that weirdo show.

I feel compelled to let you know that I had an Altima where the battery literally exploded once when I started it. That warranty might still come in handy!

Well, the source material does include a wildly out of place explosion featuring wanton destruction of property, so that’s right up Michael Bay’s alley.

I am so disappointed no one has made a mussel/muscle joke.

Speaking as the target demographic (a late 30s lesbian), you’re spot on.

I can confirm that a well-aimed shot from a squirt gun scares off a seagull-my son had a blast last summer playing patrol with grandpa and keeping the seagulls away using only a squirt gun.

Wait, was she saying THAT was taking shots at the original? I was under the impression her issue was that everyone’s talking like this time Charmed is going to be FEMINIST!, and that’s ignoring the fact that the OG Charmed was pretty damned feminist, especially the first 3 seasons. These were women who went out and