
You’re absolutely right though-I commented to someone the other day that Uber could have claimed to be a “technology” company for a hot minute 10 years ago when having a service app-based was new and cutting edge.

Seriously. Also without spoiling, I think it underlined, highlighted, and generally further emphasized HOW FRIGGING AMAZING the events immediately preceding it were.

I spent Christmas hanging with my parents this year, and for a family of Jews we spent an inordinate amount of time watching the Hallmark channel.

There’s also something ironic about Bono name dropping Pearl Jam, a band that adores and has toured with Sleater-Kinney, godmothers of riot grrl and all around kickass examples of women rocking better than most men. Something tells me Eddie Vedder is probably not down with Bono’s logic.

Correct. Stocks reflect shares of ownership of the underlying company. There’s something behind the stocks that gets used as a measurement for growth or decline. Bitcoin is an ouroboros.

If you set aside abortion, the obvious use is with maternal complications. I know a few people whose children were born at 25 weeks gestation and were in the NICU for a very long time. If a baby could be “born” and then immediately placed into an artificial womb for further gestation, it would be a huge breakthrough

I haven’t tracked it but I’d say that is probably about right. I easily get a week of gym time out of them (so...4ish hours) plus a few hours of talk time too during the course of the week.

I have a pair of these and they’re a freaking miracle. Not only are they great for running outside, but I even wear them at the gym and when I’m around the house because they stay in place better and more comfortably than any other headphones I’ve ever used.

I am cautiously optimistic because Disney is also the same entity that ok’d “kill ‘em all” as an ending for Rogue One. They’re ok with gritty in the right context.

Right? I kept thinking this was getting worse and worse and at any moment the Deus Ex Machina would show up to reverse all the crap...and then nope, that was it...very fucking weird.

True story, I stayed in the Trump Tower in Chicago for work once (long story, last minute trip, only “approved” hotel, and it was 2009 so in hindsight I regret not stealing the slippers or something).

I took up fishing this past spring, and yea, it’s incredibly meditative. It’s so, so peaceful if you’re out there alone with just the water and nature.

Armada was so bad it traveled backwards in time to retroactively remove any good will I had from enjoying Ready Player One. I read Armada, and it kept getting weirder and worse and I kept think it would somehow improve and then it just ended.

One of the fascinating bedfellows to come out of this stuff is that the hunting community, the environmental community, and the general crunchy outdoorsy folks are all united in their hatred of this policy. Kind of cool, and also reflects just how many different groups are negatively impacted by these types of

So if I watched most of the first season but never watched after that, should I go back to the beginning or pick up later?

I generally don’t care about the royals and i feel the same way. I think it’s that Harry seems to have grown up to being (in public at least) a super nice, very philanthropic guy who is trying to use his position in life for good. And every time I hear or read something about Meghan Markle I’m impressed with the fact

In my view, the only way electric cars are going to become fairly mainstream is when they can make it over that eliminates the Leaf, eGolf, etc.

YES! I end up putting it on in the background while folding laundry or bopping around the house, and while it is ok, it’s not grabbing me. But I really want it to.

The best part of the Gordon gets amputated plot, for me, was by far when the leg fell out of the ceiling in the middle of their confrontation with Pria. It was just the perfect touch of slapstick to cap off the joke.

Good point. This is also why I am not a doctor. ;)