
Not a doctor, didn’t stay in a Holiday Inn Express last night, but given that biotin is key in making stronger nails and you had weaker/damaged nails, maybe you were deficient in something biotin supplies? So in your case it made sense to take it, while an otherwise healthy person wouldn’t need it.

Also, as a woman who has hugged and gets hugged often enough, I can’t say I’ve ever accidentally slid my hands up someone’s shirt mid-hug.

I am assuming they have something very concrete-a video or audio recording or something similar, and when they found the evidence alongside the on-the-record accusation, it was a done deal.

This might be the greatest video ever made. Fuckin a Jay!

Yup! Bluegill and even bass are all part of the sunfish family-I’ve pulled some adorable sunfish out of the water while fishing. Carp are just...not good looking in comparison.

Also, carp is a fugly fish. Why not go for something pretty, like bluegill or perch?

Jews kind of slip in between, because we sure as hell aren’t serving green bean casserole and white bread. Thanksgiving is just another holiday for grandma to cook insane amounts of food and tell you that you look too thin, have some more soup.


She spoke to Flo, you hear her confirming that she was speaking with a “Florence”. Hopper hadn’t been by to pick up his messages, what with being stuck in the Upside Down, watching Bob Newby get eaten, and then trying to mentally break a 10 year old from his psychic otherworldly possession.

Agreed, fellow philosophy major!

Just note the generics are slightly different (they’re generics of the Adrenaclick, so instead of just pulling off one cap and stabbing I think there’s two-I would have to look at my son’s to remember the precise difference). Not a big deal but you want to make sure anyone in charge of the epis knows the difference.

Thank god you said something, because my first thought about Megyn Kelly in olive green shorts was that she looked really good, and then I hated myself.

We did BLW with my kid. Not because we researched it and thought it out, but because he flat-out REFUSED to eat anything mashed. Trying to get solids in him was an ongoing fight with lots of tears and food flying everywhere.

I have it when I’m under major stress and have interrupted sleep. So if I wake up and go back to sleep, I’m more likely to have it.

Yup. I did not understand the point of a scrum cap until I played second row, and my ears hurt for a week.

dammit i would be there in a heartbeat but I’ll be all the way at the other end of the state that weekend. Hope you do it again!

I think it is also tough because the two voices of the Trump administration that are most insane are Sarah Huckabee Sanders and it happens that the two cast members who are extraordinarily talented are also the same two cast members who can satirize those ladies.

This story applies so many times, but my Altima battery exploding was the scariest. I got into the car, started it, there was a huge bang, and I wondered simultaneously if I’d angered an organized crime syndicate, if I was dead, and why all the lights went out. Thankfully, the mechanic was able to clean up the engine

I had the same conversation with my mother this morning. She was asking why no one came forward when 30 Rock and Seth McFarland were making jokes about this years ago...and I pointed out there’s a big difference between hearing someone is a terrible pervert and having PROOF they are.

Of course sometimes there’s messed up situations like we have had ongoing-someone hit our car but was driving it without the permission of the owner, so the owner’s insurance wouldn’t pay, and our insurance company is now going after the driver directly for the money (they just left me a message yesterday updating me