
The catholic church takes a pretty nice hit in the pilot where a comedian takes a side job for extra douogh.

He should cancel "The Ranch" and apologize for it ever being green lit in the firs tplace (along with making Sam Elliot appear in tighty whities for no good reason.No one wants to see old men in brief underwear.

Too bad Carolla isn't as funny as this article is.

Spell check would have caught: "assorteden ".

Reversing the placement of the photographs would have made the story flow better: puzzlement followed by disgust.

Maybe he'll die soon and all of this will be moot.

This should come with a trigger warning for the 1%.

It's Ghostbusters (Answer The Call) all over again: unfunny trailer = unfunny movie. He's retweeted movie praise from Hollywood friends so I'm wondering if they really like it or they're lying to help him out. Cable in six months or less.

No it doesn't, you did. And the question is idiotic.

I like this theory.

Tyler Perry's Madea Goes to Jail 2: Madea Meets Donald Trump (who is serving time for multiple crimes against humanity, excessive (even for a politician) lying, cheating, stealing, deleting emails, cheating on his taxes and (yet unproven but no one would put past him) child rapist.

I'm wondering how the little girl knew about the maze and why she waited so long to offer up the information to the man in black.

What bothers me is that they'll probably be many more ads for a show that wont show up until next year. I want to see gangster pope now!

Watch it with the sound off and the subtitles on.

I suspected this was crap when I saw the trailer on tv and the rave reveiw quotes were by people or businesses no one has heard of (they should've put the same imagination in the script).

If this show was any good they'd move it around the schedule and make people hunt for it like real popular shows instead of keeping on the worst night for television. They must have renewed it so they can crow about ethnic diversity and inclusion. Watched it; just not funny. And worse than Tim Allen's show (and that's

Dr. Phil is a Doctor. He has a Ph.D. in Psychology.
Dr. Phil is not a psychologist. He is not licensed as a psychologist.
Dr. Phil used to be a psychologist. He used to be licensed.
He cannot practice psychology, and what he does is not actually the practice of psychology.
Yes, he can call him self Dr. Phil.

That photo makes it look like he's ready to be a combination of Randy Quaid and Gary Busey. Another victim of too much post success time and not enough sense to know what to do with it.

He looks like he'd be big in gay for pay porn (check out that open mouth and come hither look).

Have you ever been upgraded to first class due to being recognized at the ticket counter?