
I have one theory about went wrong, I believe it was Kevin Spacey who said the writing was adjusting in real time for the election results and the Trump administration. If so this was a mistake, they should have stayed in the world of their own creation and focused on internal logic and coherence and psychological

Disappointing, in the UK version they had a conflict of interest between the evil PM and his evil wife and they took it to its logical conclusion and that was the end. Here the writers are postponing and dancing around the conflict of interest between Frank and Claire, trying to spin this out as long as possible. This

If it had been "Arthur" he'd have no case.

One positive is more vicious infighting at the top of the Nazi hierarchy which is exactly what you would expect post Hitler. And there will be more to come. I always dislike the Nazi or Nazi-like (Star Wars) evil dictators on screen who have magically obedient unified legions of minions. In fact being in the top of

What's up with Bjorn?? Is he ticked because now his mother created his brothers as enemies? I can't believe he wanted Aslaug dead.

Interesting they are making Ivar more than just a psychopath. Which makes total sense. For one thing Ivar was a famous leader of a coalition of fighters. How could he be that way if he was a simple monster? I don't think Vikings would have put up with it. They had plenty of violent people in their armies and would not

In case you didn't notice, Clayton, with respect to Hillary Clinton, a majority of the voters also voted "otherwise." Other countries deal with this by having a runoff, or a preference voting system where if your number one choice isn't in the top two your vote goes to a second person you listed. In a parliamentary

Well Vikings delivered, it would have been easy to make a false/phony step and they did not. Impressive.

We had the exposition and set up episodes and now as we hoped and trusted Hirst delivered on the action. With more action to come. Bravo. Is the vision thing a mistake? Well I get that narratively it would be better as a surprise but it would be totally inconsistent with the series's prior that she sees visions. That

That's great observation, I think I was wondering where I had seen those eyes before… Ivar is supposed to be touched by "Odin" I guess… No ordinary evil dude..

Yeah! Ivan will make an interesting bad guy, he doesn't love his dad, but respects him - Hirst's characters operate in the grey zone, nobody completely good or bad. Tho Bjorn is pretty good. I do miss mad Queen Kwenrith I must say.

I think the Vikings had no idea they would fight boats. They were going to use the rafts to serve as platforms for scaling the walls or something. I agree that it did not make a lot of sense. Likewise at the time Rollo made his speech, seriously, if you consider it, it would not have been heard. A lot of suspension

I appreciate the little details, like when Ragnar returns you would not recognize the place, it us much bigger, there are foreign traders, it is not the old world. Love what the queen has done to the place, and when you think about it, that is exactly what she would do. Even the visiting Viking is well dressed, almost

It's an A. I was afraid the whole episode would build up to a big battle at the end, so predictable, that's what 99% of TV shows would do. Instead Hirst is more interests in what happened after the defeat. And he doesn't linger on the post battle Vikings, just jumps to Bjorn back at home catching fish on a stick

Just when we are identifying with the Vikings we like Hirst seems to be saying, yeah but these are not the norm OK?

I like the raiding party bit. It's a cold dose of reality about what "raiding" actually meant those days. Cold hard men of blood who had a leader like themselves. Why people would gladly support a strong king who would take much of their crop but protect them from much worse.

Shakespeare route rocks! Otherwise we would just have a lower budget GOT. Ragnar is Lear? But then again he warned Lagatha not to go which is usually a sign he is two steps ahead. He wanted to see what Rollo had prepared? Notice he let King Harald go first! I think Ecbert is going to stab W in the back, and W is

I was getting impatient with this episode but then that ending! Lagurtha and sweet little Ivar really delivered."Promised" indeed! Hah! Ecbert at least still has his wit - "don't be too hard on yourself". Is Ragnar playing the girl? And everybody else? I like that Hirst is paying attention to the question of how Ivar