Remember when all the media kept on saying "You get points for doing horrible things in this game!" and we said "Lol what games give you points anymore?" I guess we lose that argument from now on....
Remember when all the media kept on saying "You get points for doing horrible things in this game!" and we said "Lol what games give you points anymore?" I guess we lose that argument from now on....
The free market works! Yay capitalism!
I love that Sprint EVO ad where they have the Android flying around all those comments on the phone. The mascot is easily my favorite of any.
This is exciting. I just started playing the first pack after they gave everything keys to get the games on Steam. I guess I don't have to worry about what games I'm going to play over Christmas anymore.
My friend paid 1/5 of a penny for 5 games during the Humble Indie Bundle. I called him a cheapskate.
What happened to the "rape" charges actually being that he didn't use a condom?
While this is very interesting news, as the idea of arsenic based life is quite unheard of, the title really is misleading. I do think it will help the search, but maybe change the writing a bit so that people don't get TOO excited.
@dracosummoner: I would really enjoy a Mass Relay.
My guess? A film OR a prequel game.
ArmA II has plenty of moments like this. There's never a guarantee that you'll get into a firefight in a mission, but the constant (and very real) threat that an enemy will hit you in the head once before you had any idea he was there makes the game really great.
I noticed this in the game. I kept wondering why Mason was switching accents every sentence.
So, I could compose all my meals of Oreo's and Pop-Tarts? My life just got amazing.
World in Conflict + Call of Duty = WIN times 1000
Did he have companions to blow people's heads off for him?
Please have Dragon Valley.
Perfect timing. I'm taking the SAT Saturday.
I played some GoldenEye last night. It was amazing.
@STiX: I grabbed as many of those rockets as I could when I got in there. Also where I got my That Gun for free.
Referring to the Vault Dweller and the Chosen One as the Lone Wanderer = FAIL