
Remember when all the media kept on saying "You get points for doing horrible things in this game!" and we said "Lol what games give you points anymore?" I guess we lose that argument from now on....

The free market works! Yay capitalism!

I love that Sprint EVO ad where they have the Android flying around all those comments on the phone. The mascot is easily my favorite of any.

This is exciting. I just started playing the first pack after they gave everything keys to get the games on Steam. I guess I don't have to worry about what games I'm going to play over Christmas anymore.

My friend paid 1/5 of a penny for 5 games during the Humble Indie Bundle. I called him a cheapskate.

What happened to the "rape" charges actually being that he didn't use a condom?

While this is very interesting news, as the idea of arsenic based life is quite unheard of, the title really is misleading. I do think it will help the search, but maybe change the writing a bit so that people don't get TOO excited.

My guess? A film OR a prequel game.

ArmA II has plenty of moments like this. There's never a guarantee that you'll get into a firefight in a mission, but the constant (and very real) threat that an enemy will hit you in the head once before you had any idea he was there makes the game really great.

I noticed this in the game. I kept wondering why Mason was switching accents every sentence.

So, I could compose all my meals of Oreo's and Pop-Tarts? My life just got amazing.

World in Conflict + Call of Duty = WIN times 1000

Did he have companions to blow people's heads off for him?

Please have Dragon Valley.

Perfect timing. I'm taking the SAT Saturday.

I played some GoldenEye last night. It was amazing.

@STiX: I grabbed as many of those rockets as I could when I got in there. Also where I got my That Gun for free.

Referring to the Vault Dweller and the Chosen One as the Lone Wanderer = FAIL