I am enjoying the irony of a realist like yourself being “privilege checked” by someone with a rainbow peace sign for an avatar.
I am enjoying the irony of a realist like yourself being “privilege checked” by someone with a rainbow peace sign for an avatar.
Those kids will be fine. It’s their kids that will become cannibals and wear human skin suits to survive.
Meh. “Self” is an invented concept anyway. You are nothing but a semi-related sequence of energies firing around inside organic gray matter. Covered by a fragile shell that is frankly pretty unimpressive. Other than music, Batman and thin curst pizza… Humanity is generally overrated. We’re just monkeys who figured out…
People from Trump seem to have met with Russian officials like every other fucking day, and managed to not disclose any of it. It just slipped their mind that they had Russians on speed dial. But no, nothing burger it is!
Kaine. Are you effing kidding.
I feel you. It’s just more screaming into the void. I feel dead inside. America makes me feel dead inside.
just wanted to say this is poetry and i empathise really powerfully with it.
Starred for having channeled Sam Jackson as Jules.
Say “big nothing burger” on more fucking time, you mealy mouthed, fuck bag, pedo faced, goddamned shitass. This asstards are the prime example of mother fuckers who talk shit behind a force-field. They are goddamn laughing at all of our true and honest expressions of concern. It’s so goddamn abusive, and it’s…
As long as the Premptory Challenge rules remain in place as the currently stand this will not matter. How hard is it to make something up to remove black Jurors from the pool?
When it comes to etymology, I think I’ll trust Wiktionary over a paper with no references written by a psychologist.
So, Caitlyn Jenner here seems to have finally gotten fed up over her daughters dating black guys, I guess. She needs to put time into growing a better mustache though.
At 3781 yards, 0.01 deg is almost 20 feet off the target.
Taken from the perspective of pop political/social movements that reinforce dysfunction. Much like the politics on this blog. Or any Judd Apatow film.
She’s not of a different culture, though, and your use of the Perpetual Foreigner trope is part of the problem.
“Its not my job to teach you even if you ask in earnest but fuck you for not knowing?”
Being white means nothing in this situation. Here was one human being trying to earnestly relate to another human being of a different culture, and then said other person went on to be a two-faced ass about it for no reason.
Yea, because in order to believe that our elected officials should represent the people, you should also be willing to choose that as your career. That makes zero sense.
This “authenticity” trend frightens me. The absolute last thing in the world that the Democratic party or the nation needs is a Tea Party-esque purity movement for center-left voters and politicians. We’re supposed to be the ones who *aren’t* crazy.