
Man, I wish you had reviewed Season 1. You would have been much better than that feminazi, "all white men are rapists," flyover-state hating libtard, Sonia.

Just finished watching S1 for the first time. A pretty good show.

Holy cow…Minka Kelly can’t act.

I knew from the start that Sonia was the wrong person to review this show. An ignorant, close-minded liberal who hates red states, football, and all white males. Yeah, what could go wrong? Prepare for a bunch of reviews shrieking about RRRAAAAYYYYCCCEEESSS, sexism, evil men, oppressed minorities and the usual

Wow, Reyes is a real dbag. Making false accusations about racism. If it had been a white guy saying racist stuff, Sonia would have been frothing at the mouth screaming He's RRRRAAAAYYYYYYCCCCEESSSSS!!!! Oh wait, she does that with Mac in a few episodes.

"And just when it seems like the Panthers have escaped the worst of it, police lights flash in the background.Tell me that’s not a witchhunt. Tell me that’s not a lynch mob."