I don’t believe that shit for a second.
Nobody cares about approval ratings.
Only when she’s serving delusional hetero men.
“Whatever happened to “Button your shirt, whore”??”—Don Draper
Except my belief is that this is like if a waste disposal plant, with a glossy exterior, opened up across the street from a hog butcher, with a glossy exterior.
You took the long way ‘round.
How about NEITHER?
Ugh, go away, Tom Hanks. You’ve got enough Oscars. Why can’t they leave Mr. Rogers alone? Why do they have to whore out everyone who was ever famous for a minute to tell their drecky clichéd stories. Go back to making up fictional characters and leave the real ones alone, Hollywood! You always end up by lying about…
Oh, the Pythons were popular as a group with all the rock stars at the time. Only Idle and, to an equal extent, Michael Palin, bothered to really starfuck, though. But your point is well taken.
I love British tea! Thanks.
I can’t entirely disagree.
All us SJWs decided to get together and spend all your tax dollars on Twinkies and birth control.
Any show involving characters from 90s or 00s TV shows that ‘tweeners would have watched, can kiss my ass.
Eric Idle was a HUGE starfucker.
Put it next to the word “rape”, ‘cuz that’s what she did.
So you’re telling us the grooming , that she inflicted on him all those years ago, stuck?
I look at her and think “She’s a nice looking woman — what could she possibly see in a 17 year old boy that is sexually appealing?”
You mean you’re surprised that women are capable of wanting to exert power over those they feel they can coerce or control?
But the premise you and the OP are running on, is that he’s grown and changed from his “abused” past and is no longer racist.