

That’s a dumb comment and we’re all dumber for having read it.

Wisconsin? Not surprised.

No, he couldn’t have appointed someone.

Ask a one-handed white person if they’d prefer to live their lives as a two-handed black person in America and THEN we’re working from the same context.

You’re right.

And to all the idiots responding with dumb trollishness, I’m just gonna let all you heffas know that I’m a messy commenter who lives for drama but does not live for your bullshit.

Humans can be unempathetic and petty. You’re surprised by this?

Why wasn’t this student’s parents called? The cops first? For a clothing violation? That isn’t disruptive? Come on.

Then you call their parents and suspend them and have their parents take them home. If it’s THAT big of deal.


Minaj is a pedo supporting piece of shit.

Have some cold juice and a lie-down.

*looks at sallow skin, expanding waistline, hopeless muscle tone*

“I shouldn’t be enjoying this but let me let all of you know that I’m enjoying this.”

I legitimately lol’d at that, you ain’t right.

I don’t care.  She needs to hang beside her man like Carla Petacci did .

I want her to swirl down the toilet of Irrelevance into the Sea of Nobodies, when that last tape drops.

You’re assuming she doesn’t like what she sees.

I’ll give her an engraved invitation to kiss my ass.