“I’m sad that you won’t be like me.”
“I’m sad that you won’t be like me.”
I don’t disagree with anything you said.
Sometimes, you do need exclusive one on one time with a friend.
You mean her habit of free-basing.
If the idea is to meet up and bond and share as a friend unit of two, and suddenly, one or more people come along, that isn’t an opportunity. It’s an intrusion imposed on you.
I couldn’t write his name.
Thanks to being old and, everybody’s eventual friend, The Icy Hands Of Death, I don’t have to see any of my exes! They either moved long ago or died or both.
Oh, some of them are somewhat smarter than that and can play a longer game. They can say the right things but usually, they overdo it and make themselves out to be SUPER-WOKE, to the point of almost seeming to be a parody. You can tell them easily, really.
Indiana is a shithole right-to-fuck-the-workers-over state.
That shows the level of their disrespect, really.
There’s this cadre of white conservative trolls who pretend to be black or Latinx, and go after anyone who’s challenged them and their b.s. on these kinja sites. There’s a nest of them on Jez and the Root especially. They’ve managed to run off or scare off some progressive commenters, their work is well known. They’ve…
Wait...I can’t do yoga now???
He won’t answer that last question since the entire point of what the GOP is doing is saying “The Dems treat you like slaves come over to our party!” while doing everything in their power to ACTUALLY treat us like slaves.
I never said you did.
Yes, that commenter was spoken to, thank Kinja.
I agree with the change. But my biggest fear, that came true, was that the “Let Trump win, it’ll lead to the revolution!” types (whom I saw and heard around kinja sites and in real life) would get their wish.
Ohhhh, you’re one of THOSE idiots.
The list of black and Latin people they’ve disrespected and/or tortured and/or killed is LOOOOOONG, post-9/11.
Oh, she’s hot garbage, I can’t even try to defend her and have zero wish to.