
Eh, not everyone in the Marvel universe is a superhero. It doesn't bother me at all if that kind of stuff isn't involved as long as the writing is quality.

My bones are so brittle! But I always drink plenty of… …malk?

That was an A+ episode if I ever saw one. I cried during the scene where Louie was begging Amia to stay in America. This show is so beautiful. I adore how it's evolved since the first season.

Now, I'm gonna starve…

That joke had nothing to do with New York City. It could've been made in any state and had the same impact.

This episode deserved its B+. I really enjoyed it, and I have been enjoying the show overall despite several rocky episodes. If this ep was any indication of how the rest of the season will go, I'm very excited.

I didn't think the old woman's friend was actually supposed to be a transvestite, just that she was a woman who happened to be played by a man. But I guess there's not really any indication one way or the other. Nor does it matter at all. I regret typing this.

Great article. I actually feel the same way about certain fan-made mods. For example, most people will recommend that you use updated graphics/texture packs for classic games like Deus Ex and System Shock 2. But I much prefer their original looks, partially because that's how the creators intended it to come across.

It's like when two kids are fighting on the playground, then when the teacher comes over they say nothing was happening. There's a code, you know.

I definitely miss Jeff/Britta. I know it's cliche, but I really enjoyed their will they/won't they shtick from the early seasons. I hope they come back to it at some point.

I guess I'm in the minority that loved this show from episode 1. Yeah, it's definitely at its best when it puts that sweetness on display as we've seen in the last two episodes. But that's always been there, I think, it just hasn't been at the forefront until recently. And it's more impactful now after having seen

They can make laser guns and invisible ships, you think they can't make odorless food?

whas his name in serpico?

I really think that AV Club either underrated the last two episodes, or overrated the first five. The jump up in quality has been significant. They're fine tuning the characters, putting them in interesting pairings, and delving further into the dark side of SHIELD. The actors are also getting more comfortable with

Most of the core team is white. It makes sense that they'd want to add more diversity to the cast with the guest roles, and it makes sense that in a weekly superhero show, most of those guest roles happen to be villains. Considering Maurissa "Nobody's Asian in the Movies" Tancharoen is the showrunner, I don't think

Why don't they air Downton Abbey in American and the UK simultaneously? Honestly, every season has a Christmas special. Why not air it on…you know… Christmas.

Um… okay? I disagree. Why would she say "you died" directly to Coulson if she knew what was going on? Isn't the whole idea that he can never know what really happened to him? Seems like it would be pretty careless to let something like that slip.

I don't think it necessarily means she knows anything. Remember in the first episode, even Coulson said he was technically dead for 8 seconds. And everyone below Level 7 still thinks he's dead. So I think it was just a quip about his situation, reminding him about the dangers of his job.