
A real american hero.

So happy to see you guys featuring Kevyn's work here! He's an amazing artist, and this is quite the lofty art project he is taking on! I can't wait to see how he fills the rest of the month, and who will be the lucky winner to get one of these original pieces :)

I think that perhaps you're lacking a bit of context here. Many artists do original pieces all of the time. Go to an art show, look at the artists exhibiting there, and ask them how well their original art sells? Ask how many "art fans" look for original pieces to buy, as opposed to people who want art of something

Because Jaime is supposed to be a character who is redeemed. He is a character who risked his life to save Brienne of Tarth from her would-be rapists. It's not about the existence of a rape scene. This show is brutal, and shows sex, violence, and sex violence in many ways. It's about the incredible mis-handling of