

Wait — I thought that All Takes Matter was the joke name given by Deadspin.

Wait, All Takes Matter is the real name of the show? I thought that was just Deadspin’s name for it but that’s the real name?

Really? The name is “All Takes Matter?”

I’m throwing dollars at the screen and nothing is happening.

As much as I dislike Littlefinger (not the actor, but the actual character), he is the pinnacle of the manipulative bastard. He does nothing without contingency. Even his “secret meeting” with Sansa, despite Brienne’s being there, went as close to what I can only imagine he’d had planned as it could have.

>Fuck anyone who sees in color.

How quickly we forget that we’ve already prematurely buried 2 teams this playoffs. The home team winning 2 games, even by a lot, is not series ending. It looks pretty bad for the Cavs, but you’d think that this playoffs would have already taught us not to fill in the rest of the series outcomes before they happen.

It’s different for white people because it’s different for white people. Being white in this country is a dramatically different experience than being black in this country. Black folks’ preference to be around other black folks comes arises from that history and experience of being the people who have been

it’s basically “they were so good we didnt even CARE that they were black!!” its so awful

you are stuck on this and your attempts to use it as an explanation to what is probably your own racism is transparent af.

I’m thinking that may have a lot to do with how people who were not “his own” treated him.

black people preferring the company of other black people is not racist.

With all due respect to the Queen of Thorns, I think she and her entire family haven’t grasped that the Game of Thrones only works if everyone is tacitly playing by the same rules. The High Sparrow and the Faith Militant aren’t.

Waiting for stoneheart talk to go away so we can focus on the characters that are actually interesting and add to the story.

Jaqen specifically told Waif to not make Arya suffer. That means a quick and efficient death. What does Waif do? Twist the blade, take time to have Arya stare at her, and allow Arya to get away.

Waif is gonna get clipped long before Arya succumbs to her wounds.

What do you mean filler? Do you want michael bay game of thrones? I don’t get why people want balls out war and death from every episode. Go watch walking dead.

I don't think being stabbed and almost dying was part of the plan lol

Right, she was hiding in a dark hidey-hole somewhere after escaping them in a huge hurry because she liked the aesthetics.

So the Hound seems to be that “character that’s coming back that isn’t John Snow.” Sorry, Lady Stoneheart lovers, but it looks like the Hound was the reason for last week’s Brotherhood foreshadowing reference, not LSH.