
Narratively, you bring them back because you have to close that loop; you can’t just bring them up and then never mention them again. They said in this episode that they’re going north “Cold winds are rising in the North”. Remember that they follow the Red God, whose archenemy is the Great Other. They were disrupting

Really, no one on this show does a good of that. Specifically the NW, who had a few members of noble birth, never tried to use those connections to get more men and resources, especially in the wake of the war of five kings (plenty of POWs). So often it goes completely unmentioned, it kills verisimilitude.

You feel smart now? What a dickhead.

So his mother’s not from a noble house? His sister’s not marrying into a noble house? His brother has no pull to be able to do something? It just doesn’t make sense for Sam to know the dire situation they’re in and not even try.

You call it naïveté, I call it being malleable and open to learning; I think those are good for a young leader, specifically after the last few kings have been terrible. Say what you will about his conversations with the High Sparrow, but HS has the position he has because the common people support him, so it’s worth

I have to say, good on Sam for taking the Valyrian Steel but also, why didn’t he tell his family about the White Walkers in order try to get more men, supplies, etc? Use your connects bro! Also, why does his father hate wildlings so much? Horn Hill is pretty far south of the Wall, so I doubt he’s come into much

It’s definitely not looking good, specifically because KD absolutely shit the bed. Taking terrible shots, losing the three point shooters, and throwing the ball away in key situations in the game. The guy’s supposed to be a superstar in a contract year, and not only did he let his team down, he really gave the game

It’s not about taking away his best skill, it’s about what else you can provide when your shot fades. This happens with anybody who’s played basketball, sometimes your shot’s just not hitting, so you have to be able to do other things. The thing about Curry is that all the other aspects of his game are predicated on

You truly believe they were better off WITHOUT Irving and Love?

One thing I haven’t seen anyone talk about is the physicality with which OKC is covering Curry. They haven’t been letting him run free around those screens like usual, which oddly enough I don’t think I’ve seen anyone else even try to do.

Not to mention that Bran is forever changed as a result of what just happened; Brandon Stark is no more. The wolves have always served as allegories for their human companions. The only two left are Nym, whose companion Arya has been wandering alone since season 2, and Ghost, whose companion was just brought back from

This was easily the most tragic death yet for me; just about everyone else who’s died had some blood on their hands, but Hodor was always an innocent bystander. Not to mention that, even though we know he died, our last sight of him is when he’s still alive and (somewhat) well.

I’d guess the argument is that there’s room to question the intentionality of the kick (even though we all know it was intentional). But you’ve got the right answer.

Honestly the Warriors do a ton of arrogant, showoff-y stuff. Draymond’s trash talk, Steph Curry turning and talking trash to the bench before his shot even goes, a lot stuff that teams generally get vilified for. But for some reason nobody ever calls them out for it.

Changes have to be made to fit format and time (there’s only one season left after this one). But the major points will be covered and the stories will end up in the same place. It’s nowhere near a complete departure.

But two men did save her, she couldn’t have possibly pulled that off without Jorah and Daario. That whole scene was awful; who wouldn’t notice the smell in of a room full of gasoline? It took these great warriors forever react to some fire and, when they couldn’t not one of them tried kill her in a fit of rage. Just