
Now if only a competent developer would make a GoTs RPG.

Oh man, nba fans are quick to forget, this postseason has been one of back-and-forths and blowouts, but lots of hot takes after game 1, as usual.

TIL a roster is literally two guys.

I don’t watch the Warriors much but I came away with two lukewarm takes last night.
A) The people who bitch and moan about them getting calls kind of have a point. Some of those screens are fucking brutal. Draymond was on 4 fouls and kept bulldozing people.
B) I didn’t think it was possible but Steph looked like he

The Thunder’s defensive strategy was as good as anyone is going to play against Curry and Thompson bombing from Sacramento, but the deciding part of the game was an overly long period of the third quarter where the Thunder offense consisted of Westbrook/Durant dribbling for 10 seconds and then tossing the ball to

I thought it was an asshole move for taking the shot tbh. I know in the grand scheme it wouldn't have mattered, the game was sealed. Just seemed like a self glorifying shot, which I'm fine with, but an asshole shot nonetheless.

<Makes jerkoff motion with hand>

The problem is, Sam’s reputation would probably keep him from getting anywhere with anyone in power. They have no idea what he’s done at the Wall; they only know him from his time in his father’s court. And we all saw just how much confidence his father has in him. Why would anyone else back him if he can’t get his

You make a good point. My concern is that Tommen isn’t treading carefully enough to ensure the High Sparrow isn’t granted too much power.

You call it naïveté, I call it being malleable and open to learning; I think those are good for a young leader, specifically after the last few kings have been terrible. Say what you will about his conversations with the High Sparrow, but HS has the position he has because the common people support him, so it’s worth

I have to say, good on Sam for taking the Valyrian Steel but also, why didn’t he tell his family about the White Walkers in order try to get more men, supplies, etc? Use your connects bro! Also, why does his father hate wildlings so much? Horn Hill is pretty far south of the Wall, so I doubt he’s come into much

I’m getting sick of her period. I know people love and worship Dany but she’s gotten on my last nerves.

Yes, but we’re watching the show, not them. I just didn’t feel like that was a big enough moment in that plotline to justify last scene treatment when another plotline just had a huge twist. Heck, they even gave the candle scene a nice epic end-of-episode-esque musical sting which then just led into another scene.

I know that the entire series will probably end with Dany and her dragons coming to the rescue of the 7 kingdoms with her fire breathing dragons to defeat the white walkers who have probably decended to kings landing at that point - you know because the book was called “a song of ice and fire” and because GRRM loves

Oh, I don’t fear for Arya at all, but I feel like that’s the plotline that took the biggest turn this episode, so I think it would have been the best one to close on.

I don’t know but that speech at the end was awful. I’m getting sick of her end of show speeches. How many more rah rah speeches are we going to hear?

Thought OKC had it. Not so much. Westbrook self-destructed. KD disappeared in the 4th. Adams and his mustache rebounded well but couldn’t handle Curry 1:1.

It’s definitely not looking good, specifically because KD absolutely shit the bed. Taking terrible shots, losing the three point shooters, and throwing the ball away in key situations in the game. The guy’s supposed to be a superstar in a contract year, and not only did he let his team down, he really gave the game

Durant just beat the Thunder. It was like watching an animal, eat itself. Incredible and horrifying all at once.