
The Warriors can’t feel good about how hard they kept punching OKC in the mouth, creating all those noisy eruptions from their home crowd, and how OKC just kept coming right back at them.

You described it as “Warriors kicked the Thunder’s asses”, which shows you didn’t even look at the box score, let alone watch the games.

I thought it was fucked up when she crammed him in the washer. I was not prepared for how much worse it would get.

Despite Burneko’s smartass response, I think this is a pretty solid point. Rebounding has clearly been a trouble spot for the Warriors all season when playing their “death lineup” and OKC can exploit that more dangerously than anyone. Look at how many defensive rebounds have turned into points for OKC this series and

Strong take, Wilbon.

I agree mostly, but what happened to Jordan when the turnaround wasn’t falling? Did he become a non-scoring defensive liability?

But, they are being thrust into a new situation.....LOSING. It's been a minute since they have dealt with just plain ol' not being good enough.

Congrats, you’re a woke Reggie Miller. Still not saying anything, but a smidge more self-awareness.

Yes, but looking at it with nuance or curiosity isn’t reductionist enough to allow Burneko to say “kicking their asess” seventeen times.

Okay, but my point is that one dimension of his game is failing him now. How’s that going for him? If Lebron’s shot isn’t falling (which is a lot of the time) he pounds the lane, he passes, he rebounds, he defends. Him and Russ are triple double machines, yet Curry (the first ever unanimous MVP) can’t hit shots right

He’s not any guard though. He’s the first unanimous MVP. And he’s pretty one fucking dimensional.

I hate to give a hot-taker like Cowherd any credit whatsoever, but every once in a while he’ll have a point.

“If Curry’s shot fades, what’s left? He’s 6' 2", and a buck eighty. There’s not a lot to offer there. That’s your unanimous MVP.”

Again, this article misses the point. The only reason Golden State is losing right now is because OKC ran out of bubblegum.

I don’t think anyone is invalidating the 73 wins. It was an amazing accomplishment. What is being invalidated is the “one of the greatest teams ever” argument. The truth is, last year GS got incredibly lucky throughout the playoffs. In almost every round they played a team that had lost at least one key piece of its

Then there’s a disconnect between what you perceive and what actually happens. You can watch sports and not make bold proclamations like “that team is better off with their 2nd and 3rd best scorers not playing.”

The irony being the only cheap shots came from Golden State via a couple groin attacks by Green. I applaud Draymond for trying to get old school to rile up his squad, but I think Steph and Clay were legit afraid of the physicality of OKC.

I’ll also add that the Cavs lost Game 1 because Kyrie’s knee cap busted in OT. I don’t know how anyone can watch the WCF this year and come away with the thought that a less talented team is somehow better equipped to win. It is counterintuitive to every sporting event or competition ever but I've seen this argument

I don’t think this OKC team really gelled until they beat up on a pooped Spurs team, and your criticisms of the ‘15 Cavs sound like pre-playoff criticisms of the ‘16 thunder. My point is you have no fucking way of knowing how the Finals would have played out last year. A week ago you would have bet your next paycheck

I just created an account to tell you how fucking dumb this argument is. Game 1 of the 2015 finals went to overtime WITH Irving. You do not get addition by subtraction when JR Smith and Delly are your 2nd and 3rd scoring options. This is a dumb argument and you should feel bad for saying it.

One thing I haven’t seen anyone talk about is the physicality with which OKC is covering Curry. They haven’t been letting him run free around those screens like usual, which oddly enough I don’t think I’ve seen anyone else even try to do.