
Same with every other player in the NBA who bothers to play defense or set a pick or drive to the basket.

Draymond Green combines all the wannabe tough guy stuff of Kevin Garnett with the campy antics of Reggie Evans. He is more loathsome than Chris Paul.

I love it when people claim a blog feed on a social network is interchangeable with there “life.”

Why are you blaming the voters? The DNC has basically made it policy to run on a very fiscally conservative platform with as few socially liberal concessions as possible, and the one time a real candidate appears advocating for wealth equality, the whole fucking establishment came down on him. Voters don’t owe the

No Sanders supporter owes Clinton their vote. The onus is on her to earn those votes, and if she can’t, then she’s flawed, not the voters.

To be fair, it’s probably hard to talk yourself into giving up when you’re still regularly winning states.

You do know what the term ‘Mexican Standoff’ means, right? I can’t tell if this is sarcasm or not.

More along the lines of your boss having already told you “I don’t give a shit what you think, albo. You are replaceable. This kid isn’t.”

I’m sorry, I have to say something. I’m a Bernie supporter, and a longtime Jezebel reader, AND I was there in the room. I shot some videos that have been aired on major networks, and I actually have a relatively neutral perspective. Could you please interview me for an alternate view of what happened, instead of just

No, as many other people in this thread have explained, it was about how the beauty of black women’s bodies were being ignored. I mean it’s pretty damn clear from the beginning that it’s a white vs. black thing.

I really don’t think you understood that song.

It’s just silly to think that any reference to Oakland necessarily means “black people”

I can’t believe all these folks #ONHERE claiming to know the lyrics to Baby Got Back and don’t even know the story behind the damn song. This is the is the OG “Becky” song. It’s about how white racism dismissed black beauty. All anyone seems to know the big but part and forgot the whole beginning where he basically

So what if it is a reference? Doesn't excuse the passive racism. And the fact that it looks like she is slightly leaning forward in the ass pic which will make anyone's ass look rounder and bigger.

Basic, reasonable expectations of non-racist human decency?

I wonder if it has something to do with Bronn and Cersei’s real life enmity.

Season 6's biggest fault so far (even more so than Dorne) has been the complete lack of Bronn.

I want Bronn to somehow be in every storyline.

Rickon is going to bite his throat out. Give me whatever odds you want, I’m taking that bet.

I want Bronn to do it.