
thank you! that was very well spoken/written

i was more referring to the way people talk about her than her experiences in the music industry. so I don't really know.

oh so true about the angry black woman thing. makes me so mad

obvious troll is obvious. no one can say "maybe a seventy million dollar house is a bit unnecessary" because ......? oh wait nothing

could be. I live in Toronto. could be an age thing too. I run a university group so I don't really talk with anyone over the age of 24 about this stuff in real life. dyke is pretty much no longer a slur I find in most of the queer circles I'm in. maybe because of the state of things in the USA it's different, and

that's very fair! it seems i had some preconceived notions about you too!

no no saying something your boyfriend has done is faggy is not a slip and is extremely inappropriate and not even remotely close to the same woah. i just have heard a parallel between a gay man saying "hey look at those dykes" is cool but a queer woman saying "look at those fags" isn't. and maybe both aren't! but one

yes that makes sense. i just hate everyone always calling this queer woman a homophobe instead of entertaining a more nuanced view. like there's such a thing as internalized homophobia, it's just so ignorant and dismissive to just say she's an asshole and a homophobe an move on. not to mention black queer culture is

this is my life always!

the way i heard it was in a parallel to the word dyke. the word dyke has been reclaimed, and is used within the entire gay community (i feel like you may disagree here too but it's true), so why hasn't faggot been reclaimed? can it be reclaimed? ect. that's all.

I didn't realize there was any LGBT scandal other than the time she said "faggot" on twitter. i've been publicly shamed into realizing my error.

totally fair. i'm the head of an educational group on my university campus and reclaiming slurs is a huge conversation we have, everyone jumping on me saying it's a cut and dry issue is a big naive I think. I really agree with a lot of your comment, and I am really appreciative of the kind reply. many people were very

man people jumped on me hard. loving the jezebel love!

the only big scandal i heard when people would talk about her "homophobia" was that she said faggot and fag in her songs, which i felt was really bullshit. can't really speak on anything else

true didn't know about the trans thing. the only big scandal i heard when people would talk about her "homophobia" was that she said faggot and fag in her songs, which i felt was really bullshit.

okay just speak for all queer people then. who knew you were the queen bisexual? i'm not saying it's right, i'm saying it's a conversation within the queer community, and I have heard both sides to it.

aw i feel so sad watching this. Azealia Banks isn't as bad as anyone treats her. I feel like she gets so much more shit than anyone else, just because she doesn't want to put on a "i'm a proper celebrity schtick". Like there are tonnes of male rappers who are equally bizarre, angry, and have a weird online presence

just one quick thing, I think when people talk about the homophobia it's often a bit of bi-erasure coming up. she's openly bisexual and while there is a conversation to be had about people in the queer community using queer slurs it's a conversation between queer people. like the n-word. so maybe reconsider the "fag"

also teacher's unions.

it's a bit of a splurge because it can be like 8 bucks (but sometimes I find them cheap too) but I love to add some ham too. One of those whole ham halves lasts me forever, I use it for soups, sandwiches, just to eat with mashed potatoes. Ham and potatoes 4 lyfe