
I’ve always loved your comments and am a huge creepy fan of yours, but I have to disagree, just because of the trans exclusion. But I like the expression and the message it carries. But women with penises can also pee standing up :)

I think they mean they never received a thank you card. The bride in the article was writing her thank you cards and noticed someone didn’t get her a gift, so the OP was saying they got some one a nice gift and never received a thank you card.

Not really when there are pictures with damning evidence and a dead woman who’s been violated

ive always just used soap. My teenage sister went to a dermatologist and he told her that if you don't have problem skin just stick to dove soap.

you must have a really low threshold for entertainment my friend.

I know you're just being obtuse and trollish but for real Islamic law and sharia law are not the same and it's racist to conflate them. Because a religion with millions of followers isn't the same as an oppressive legal system the Saudis are imposing.

The African-Caribbean club at my school does soul food sundays and it's great! I think there's a big difference between cultural sharing (which is what I feel these Sunday potlucks are) and whatever the hell you want to call what happened at that university.

DING DING DING racist douchebag alert DING DING DING

That's a bizarre false equivalency.

Seriously whoever can explain wins my undying love and gratitude because I think about that a lot and now it's built up in my mind too much to just google it and break the spell.

while I was never in the same situation as you, my first relationship was sexually abusive and so I understand feeling scared that you'll never enjoy sex again. I was in grade 9 and was left so confused about what healthy sex and consent was. I thought I'd never be able to have a healthy, "normal" sex life. But here I

this is easily the best worst thing I've ever seen

this makes a huge difference. I never realized! Thanks so much for the nfo

didn't know this, thanks

anyone watching the juniors?

This story is kind of weird to me because I waitressed at a golf country club and people got married on the course all the time. With people golfing in the background. They never stopped tee times for a wedding and I always thought it'd be weird to have strangers golfing in the background of your wedding ceremony and

same here! My mom said "the penis does this cool thing" (ejaculation) and I never ever ever forgot. Ever.

Love this!

This is exactly how I would have reacted.

My mom was also very upfront and hated "stork" bullshit how are babies made answers. Any sex question we asked at any age we got a straight answer to. In Canada you can't say what prescription medication is in an advertisement so there are these ads for cialis that imply the couple is off having sex. So I'm watching