Ayn Rand's Rape Fetish

This is what makes me insane, and the most damning footage is how he comparatively handled his previous stop of a (white?) college student , in which he’s practically FLIRTING with her while he gives her a warning meanwhile Sandra Bland is just being a bitch and smoking her cigarette in her own damn car. HOW DARE SHE,

Um, no. Compression would reduce the quality a little, but it certainly wouldn’t account for the car randomly skipping around the frame or loops in the video.

Poor, poor little Billy.

Poor Bill. He must feel so violated.

Yes, there was consensual use of ’Ludes in the 1970s. Yes, the 1970s were kind of fucked up. No, I do not believe Cosby intended to use them in a consensual way.

Since the police motto of “To Protect and Serve” is obviously irrelevant, what does everyone think a suitable replacement should be? “To Menace and Harass”? “Do What You’re Told”? “You’re Lucky If We Don’t Kill You”?

I recently toured a police training facility and learned that, in my state officers have up to one year on the job to complete their formal training. They have no job restrictions before completing the training, and a large number do not meet the minimum requirements to continue being a cop.

alive! you’re asking for a MIRACLE, and you can’t ask the big man upstairs to put down his remote and pay attention to silly things like keeping some lsd-crazy-man alive!

Hilarious stuff.

As Jon explained to Tucker Carlson while taking his show off the air: “The show that leads into me is puppets making crank phone calls. What is wrong with you?”

Those in the GOP condemning Trump celebrated when war hero John Kerry was ‘swift boated” by Bush during the presidential campaign. So, they should shut the fuck up about their fake patriotism.

I didn’t realize this would be that big.... But it’s really the response I want to give to all these fuckwits.

I know sell by dates are mostly suggestions on stuff that isn’t dairy or meat but I just mentally can’t get over them. I found a sealed bag of almonds in my desk last week that was expired by two weeks and couldn’t bring myself to eat them. I am part of the problem. *hangs head*

“Ha, ha, ha... I can’t believe the woman I fully intended to betray my wife with was my wife all along!”

Cheating == Bad
Financial/Emotional Blackmail == Evil

2 wrongs != right.

The site may be wrong and some of the people on it morally corrupt, but this is a terrible way to deal with it.

Now playing

Ah remember back in the day when the only time you could get caught cheating is if you and your old lady liked Pina Coladas?

OMG. Scott Disick!! That’s terrible! And I’m just talking about the “art.”

Tastes like needed therapy!