Funny how you haven’t said anything of complained about them posting everywhere whinning about their current cause.
Funny how you haven’t said anything of complained about them posting everywhere whinning about their current cause.
Don’t censor yourself, freedom of speech.
Because I’m funnier. Sorry man, but I’m better at working and audience.
Remember all them darkies are asking for it. They need to try harder to be white.
Jesus Christ, all these trolls are all over comment sections on every article writing the same thing over and over again.
They’re all boys so fuck them; his wife now has a chance to be free of his patriarchial influence.
It’s statement of fact and you know it.
Somethingg, something ethics, something, something hypocrisy at this point the more people talk about Geitner the more I’m
It’s not as bad as earlier I guess they saw Jezebel and figured “Well this is going nowhere fast.”
If men can’t look good mowing a lawn it’s be cause they’re not trying hard enough.
Yumm I do love me some scat porn.
I see nothing more than an article that is a celebration about the holy and sacred vagina. Ave Mons Pubis.
God you’re useless; what’s your penis size so we can make sure you’re not a complete waste of Oxygen.
Sinple girls rule, boys drool. Men don’t matter, now go mow the lawn and look pretty.
Duh; the victims were women and men don’t count. Now get back in the garage and change the oil.
When are you going to learn; men don’t matter, duh.
Criticism of women is never warranted; Geitner deserves what he got because he’s a man he can take it.