
I know exactly how you feel. Plus, it’s dangerous to say no to a man that feels entitled to sex.

Fuck You Manwich. Lux is NOT Describing Retracted Consent You Stupid Fucking Ass Hole.

Good for you. There is no good way to cut off family, but you have to do what’s best for you and your family. The last straw that forced me to cut off the last lines of communication with my mother happened when even the news of a grandchild didn’t stop her from proudly advertising her racist homophobic ass to anyone

OMG, yes

To be honest, I have changed my infant’s diaper in a restaurant before when the bathrooms are too small or dirty or difficult to access, but on the seat, with a changing pad, and as out of view from other customers as I can manage. But I can relate to how totally over it, no fucks left to give, that mom probably was

All disposable diapers are secured with velcro, and some cloth diaper covers close with velcro.

If you’re going to write an article that is only for relevant for cis-men and perhaps the people who sleep with them (which is actually not everyone!), please consider putting it in the title... I was very excited to click, and super disappointed to read.

Flimsy, it would do us all a lot of good for you to listen more and speak less.