
What fucking Uber drivers agree to transport a child across state lines?? How did two separate people do this and not stop to ask themselves just exactly WTF they were doing here. Way to contribute to trafficking a minor for sex fucking idiots. 

“Brown, who claimed to be 19, allegedly struck up conversation with the teen on Instagram before paying for a $822 Uber ride to bring her from San Antonio to Louisiana, and then another Uber trip from Baton Rouge to his home in Apopka...”

you’re right. Immediate full investigations by the police is not how police department’s work. The policy and practice commonly called the “48-hour rule” for police has a long history and a wide spread. It allows cops to not have to be investigated or be compelled to make a statement of any kind until after a delay of

“He’s very, very remorseful. He’s not remorseful because he’s been charged. He legitimately is sad that this happened. Mike kept saying, ‘I can’t believe this happened. I can’t believe that kid didn’t have a gun in his hand.’”

Bevan said Marines had “cast a dark shadow on our law enforcement profession,” and called the parents who reported him “heroes.”

A person can be heard saying that eight cops eventually showed up to take down the black magician whose trash grabber could have been confused for a staff

You have to be able to bend down and reach your shoes. 

As Black History Month concludes this story is a fitting end... and scene

I’m trying to come up with a good joke about how he would have been in less trouble if he had just killed them, but I’m getting lost in the layers of irony because I’m pretty sure that’s just literally true.

THAT’S the cop they decide need to be suspended ?

Rock Hill schools has announced a new initiative, their statement:

Dear Virginia -

So these nuns are kicked out of their home because clergy members were enslaving them?  Did the abusers face any hardship?

Well, as an Oregonian, ya gotta remember, technically black folk weren’t even allowed to live in the state longer than a year. I mean you could but a public flogging was involved.

I mean, Portland plays the progressive game pretty well but as a white dude, it often seems like it’s more just virtue signaling than

I am perfectly fine with peanut butter without the jelly, but if you put a jelly sandwich in front of me I have no interest in it. Big Boi alone is the jelly sandwich. No gracias, no lo quiero.

/reads title



I love this! That’s why I love Black women! That kind of personality, boldness, coolness, standing-togetherness, especially loyalty/UNITY/UMOJA... No wonder we survived & made it through 400 years of hell.

This might be a little out there but bear with me. The word “becoming” is very powerful. When I have worked to make changes to myself, I always had it set in my head as “I am becoming.” Full stop. It’s an acknowledgment and embracing of the journey. I think M.O. using it as the title for her book was brilliant,