
His answer is cute and I think their marriage is solid, but I’m also a little offended.... It feeds into the stereotype of black women having to wrangle their man, or having to be in charge all the time, which is not true. Most successful black women I know, sure, they want an equal in the marriage, but they also

It is the secret to a happy marriage, my grandparents made it 56 years and my grandfather always said that the secret was that at work he took his orders from his boss and when he got home he took them from my Grandma; be the first person to apologize, the last person to get mad; bring home a nice gift once in a

Brother Denzel knows what side of his bread is buttered and he wants to keep it that way. People ask me, “How have you and Mrs. Orca been married so long?” My answer is, “Marry a woman smarter than you.” (To which Mrs. Orca will always chime in, “Fortunately, it wasn’t hard.”)


Yeah, she really got him good here. This is all part of her dastardly plan to fuck up her face, and her future earning potential as an Instagram Model; however the fuck that pays, or trophy wife, since she clearly got all messed up and stuff.

I just want to be clear on what you’re saying here: are you confused about whether rape causes any harm if the rapist is conventionally good looking?

Or...the Carters are on tour and doing tons of impromptu fashion shoots, it’s my job to report on fashion, and I’m very good at my job?

I’m not the one to say whom he should hire, but this from the website:

I TOLD YOU there was a white supremacy handbook - you guys think Im loca. The root should get the entire manual and publish it.

People think I’m over-reacting, but mark my words: They want to go back to the 60s. They are busily working on changing laws to go against POC, gays, and women, they are gerrymandering and making sure the least amount of non-whites are able to vote. They are coming for us once they effectively deal with Mexicans and

That would make entirely too much sense.

The least shocking thing is that the guy who thinks a black kid with a marijuana arrest isn’t a “good person” is actually a lying, bullying, shithead, criminal waste of space himself. I’m astounded, truly.

The most shocking thing about this situation is that Kovach was actually fired for it.

True Story

Everyone keeps forgetting about poor Maggie from “A Different World”

What just happened here?

White girls cry when you tell them they are white. Do you really think they are out here going to Spellman? lol.

I just want to go home. By “home” I mean “normal life.”

Neither of the people in that headline are funny.

In her defense, she is pretty courageous sporting that haircut and those eyebrows like that.