
If your reaction to being paid in change morphs from mild annoyance escalating right into verbal and physical assault, you need to be removed from society for awhile.

Let me get this straight. A guy named “Islam” called a woman the n word in america?

Honestly I just shake my head at everyone I’ve seen that have critiqued and somehow justify their reasoning or “shame” for listening to this album.

Obviously a white guy wrote that message. Sheesh. As if we would ever say “nigger cock” to another black person.

The best way to get it is through the Kickstarter campaign (linked in the article). You can get a copy for as low as $5!

A random cousin? Or a family member with medical training?

Its good, but how about reviewing sentencing for larger possession? If marijuana possession is benign, so is selling it. The drugs wars propaganda of the evil pusher with a harem of 12 year olds sex slaves needs to be debunked. Lots of good people festering in long jail sentences who either just had big stashes or

Affordable housing is the next step, it needs to happen. This whole luxury-condos-for-the-tech-elite needs to stop, not just in Seattle, but across cities on the whole.

Love this. Krasner is doing good things in our city. Is it enough to undo years of cruel policies and enforcement? no. It’s not. But it’s a start in the right direction.

Many white people will see this video as confirmation that black people are dangerous and white cops are justified in taking whatever steps necessary, including murder, to protect “us” from “them.” They literally do not see people of color as people - dead/beaten/bruised black bodies just remind them that black bodies

*deep breath*

“Which one of you nig-nogs know how to tap dance properly? I’ve got the top hat and cane and everything” lol.

Sums up the meeting like this:

I have found Hispanic people to be one of the groups who have refined anti-blackness into an art form.

Had something similar to this happen to me, differing only in the slur. My ancestors told me he wasn’t worth the effort (and that I should study to be a professional, and was I eating enough/right). So I let him make a fool of himself in public, and carefully goaded him into doing so. The only satisfaction I needed,

Hey, Gardner: you may want to try to cash that check before you give Trump what he wants.

Am I blind, or is there no ombre in that teal hair near the end?

Anytime a white guy calls anybody brother I start looking for Aryan Nation tattoos.

Speaking of which, one the upsides of the rise of Trump is white people now have all kinds of ways to let me know who they are before i get too close. Some guy moved in up the street this weekend and I was about to stroll by and say

Yes. You’re right, it isn’t new. We’ve been sayin...